Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun sg] [that] [pron] be " in BNC.

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1 I have to agree with my good-sister that it was exceptional . ’
2 I sat in many a night myself when you were all younger , waiting for that piss artist of a father of yours to come home , knowing in my heart that he was down the Bayswater Road , spending desperately needed money on old brasses .
3 I take on board everything that Lesley said , but I still feel in my heart that there are times when you 're dealing with people who just need to be treated almost like a child again for a while and maybe maybe it 's a good place where the legislation leaves it , better than going to a sort of situation where healthy people might get pushed into asylums or whatever , but somehow I 'm not totally happy with where we are .
4 Now this was not a phrase I had ever used , but I hoped with all my heart that it was true .
5 If , on the other hand , I point to an object in my immediate surroundings and say " this chair " , then , unless I am deliberately lying or trying to mislead , I indicate an implicit assumption on my part that there is something out there , something external to my act of pointing , which I take to be a chair .
6 But the scorecards overwhelmingly supported my assessment that it was one-sided tedium .
7 I found to my horror that it was " Engaged " ; I had taken off with " George " in control .
8 I have now resumed and read enough to assure my correspondent that he is lucky that his impatient reminder was directed at me and not at God , whose response to murmurings about the unforeseen delays in reaching the promised land was smiting with pestilence .
9 It was really extremely hazardous , and as we stood there peering vainly into the blanket of fog it did cross my mind that we were all quite crazy .
10 ‘ I made up my mind that we were going to get married , and nothing was going to make me change my mind .
11 I have so much more important concerns on my mind that I am hardly fit for anything , or to wish for anything than to receive the last releasing stroke .
12 It flashed through my mind that I was close .
13 My motivations were not as clear-cut as those of any contemporary workforce , but there is no doubt in my mind that I was going on strike in the only way I knew how to , and that in this sense Szasz is right to describe anorexia nervosa as a political problem .
14 Once having framed the thought in my mind that I was a lesbian I found myself unable to keep silent about it .
15 I 'd made up my mind that I was going to tell you last night . ’
16 And he said well I 'm pretty sure , but he said fifty , fifty and I said to him , well I said you know , you think about it but I 'd already , sort of , made up my mind that I was n't gon na , sort of , next year anyway
17 It 's because of the void in my mind that I 'm worried . ’
18 It has come to my mind that it is contrasting er spiritual
19 There is no doubt in my mind that it was old — very , very old and I would think pre-dated the houses by several hundred years .
20 It flashed across my mind that it was just what he would do , he would n't go to the doctor .
21 It flashed through my mind that it was someone who was allowed out in the grounds of Bourani and down at Moutsa only on pain of keeping herself concealed .
22 Er there 's no doubt in my mind that it was efficient erm and it was , it was controlling time .
23 I did n't know at that time what the content of the exhibition was because Sarah who organised it all had to write to lots of people and arrange the loans and you know it is fairly recently that we discovered for example the tate would lend , their pictures because its very rare that they do , erm , and , so we thought the next best thing , when I discovered the change of dates would be to have slides of the pictures that Sue was using , but erm oh dear then wonderful that Sue was using a another book and this term allocated and I was n't able to get the slides she picked , it was my fault that they 're not on slide due to the amount of time that we had to do this .
24 ‘ Meanwhile I 'm up here scrimping and saving and keeping his daughter when it 's not really my fault that we 're having a divorce . ’
25 Then , seeking for an even more telling shot , ‘ And it 's not my fault that you 're so … so weak-willed that you 're incapable of keeping your word . ’
26 It was important for my self-esteem that he was a successful , sexually confident person who wanted me .
27 He shot a 69 , three-under-par , and although it was n't leading , it did n't change my thinking that he was going to be there at the finish .
28 My feelings about the book were positive rather than the reverse , but I complained in my review that it was studded with references to fashionable French gurus that were purely cosmetic , adding nothing to the author 's argument .
29 It is my grief that I am unable to repay at this time the money that is due .
30 However , while I believe Moltmann 's case is unanswerable , it makes no difference to my contention that we are given certain responsibilities to ensure that we do something positive .
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