Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun sg] [adv prt] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 It was late at night and I decided , I was just sort of talking I 'd say , I ca n't get rid of this headache , and I do n't know what I 'm gon na do , I do n't whether I should just not worry about it cos I 'm not that old , and I was really pouring my heart out to him , and he turns round and he says , yeah , you need a new clutch you really need a new clutch .
2 I could have stayed in London of course , eating my heart out for you as I have done ever since you put your head down on to your bread and butter here in this room and burst into tears ; but the combination of Christmas , and not having seen you in months drove me to a railway station and this morgue of a house .
3 ‘ I went on to a party in Cambridge after I 'd been catching swifts , and in the middle of the party a horrible large green thing , a flightless parasitic fly , found on swifts , crawled crabwise out of my hair on to my dinner jacket — it was a dinner jacket sort of party .
4 I straightened my tie and guided my hair back with my hands .
5 I will grow my hair out to its natural colour until it falls long and lank about my shoulders , allow my skin to fade to a startling winter white .
6 As she was to tell one of her oldest friends : ‘ I only wish I 'd put my foot down with them years ago . ’
7 I 've been in two minds about whether to bother with the ABA this year , but the news that Baroness Thatcher and Margaret Atwood are to share a platform at a Book and Author Breakfast has made my mind up for me .
8 I cast my mind back to our excited departure from Gatwick airport .
9 Was Émile engineering a way of getting my lover out of his way and making me free for himself ?
10 I 'll fix that , how you gon na put my fence up for me ?
11 I shifted my weight on to my other foot , looked around the landing and up the stairs , half-expecting to see my father leaning over the banister rail , or to see his shadow on the wall of the landing above , where he thought he could hide and listen to my phone calls without me knowing .
12 I was terrified , I tried not to look at him , I tried pulling my skirt down over my knees .
13 There was the time I took some of my work round for him to look at .
14 I took my make-up out of my bag , leaned close to the mirror and set to work on my face .
15 Oh he 's just eaten my toast out of my hand this dog !
16 When , with a shout , I jerked my eye back to its hole there was no smoke anywhere , only the necessary building , perfect , even to the irises and the low picket fence that lined its path , before which ‘ Uncle Pepi ’ now stood , with one arm crooked and raised .
17 And then I was in bed , with sheets riveted over my body up to my chin .
18 Any scandal I may commit in my period out of my home would seriously affect my younger brothers and sisters .
19 ‘ Maybe now after 20 years that person may want to relieve his or her conscience and help put me and my husband out of our misery by coming forward .
20 ‘ I 'll never turn my nose up at you , and never at Mrs Aggie .
21 I do n't turn my nose up at anything .
22 Why did I bother to tell her , only to have her shout at me , accuse me of being crazy to wake her up for that and tell me to keep my nose out of her brother 's business , especially since it was nothing to do with me .
23 ‘ As for my standing up for you , ’ he said now , out of the blue , ‘ why do n't you want me to ? ’
24 Bunny straightened up and took my wallet out of his back pocket .
25 I got my wallet out of my pocket and held it up in front of my eyes .
26 Because you put my back up with your cool assumption that I should simply tell you anything you want to know .
27 I lifted my head out of my magazine and heard a rather posh voice say ‘ Excuse me ’ .
28 Do the books feel very hard because I have a tendency to pull my head back onto them with excessive and habitual tension in the muscles of the neck ?
29 I stuck my head down between my knees .
30 She pulled my head down to hers with her bony arm and whispered , ‘ Love her , love her , love her !
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