Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun sg] [vb mod] be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 My enthusiasm can be aroused very easily , however .
2 We shall have to live quietly , because all my money will be gone . ’
3 Within the community the question is which site will win the first , and both inside and outside there is the question of ‘ How much of my money will be sacrificed to support the CIT ? ’ — areas of science that have no immediate connection to fusion nevertheless get funded from the same sources , such as the Department of Energy .
4 ‘ I was just a caretaker , until my successor could be trained , ’ he said more gently .
5 Mr Moore added : ‘ Bulletins about my progress will be issued in due course but neither my wife nor myself will be making any further statements of any kind with regard to my medical condition .
6 Patterns of Ministry to my mind can be interpreted as patterns of sharing and partnership is active and not fussy .
7 Because although I feel passionately abut the Gulf war — how unnecessary it was , how obscene its prosecution is , how devastating its outcome may yet be — I know that my opposition would be diminished , subverted even , by marching with the Committee to Stop War in the Gulf .
8 But it was only when I was in bed that night and unable to sleep that I realised the meaning of my horrified reaction : there would be another time , after I was dead , when I would not exist , when my consciousness would be extinguished .
9 My term can be seen as being analogous to the propensity to unproductive consumption , but this is not the same as the Keynesian propensity to consume .
10 I knew if I cut the anchor rope at the wrong moment , the Hispaniola would make a sudden move out to sea , and my boat might be knocked out of the water .
11 However , my grief will be contained within the expectation that such an event was likely to occur before too long , because of the age of my parent .
12 In considering the issue of entitlement to access , my college would be required to look at two groups of learners hitherto excluded — students with profound or multiple disabilities and students with challenging behaviour .
13 Of course , it could be argued that my work will be shown .
14 ‘ I do n't see television as an institution , nor as a continuum of programming into which my work must be fitted .
15 My equipment can be set at a frequency to emit sound waves that will obviate that effect .
16 It may be that my help will be called for .
17 It 's unlikely that asking my help will be approved by your masters . ’
18 If my lady can be said to be amusing .
19 Otherwise my opinion may be based on ignorance .
20 Another twenty years and my mortgage will be paid off so I can have a new car then !
21 ‘ My one wish now is that my business should be finished , ’ he wrote in a cri de coeur on 7 July , ‘ so that we can be together again .
22 In his will the Dean expressed the desire that ‘ my body may be kept until unequivocal signs of my death shall have taken place …
23 I was not in the least keen , but when it became clear to me that my intervention would be frowned upon only slightly by my television clients , added to the fact that I had established good relations with George Elvin , the ACTT 's general secretary , it seemed to me that there might be some sense in intervening .
24 Early in August , after sending the department a recorded delivery letter every month from January , I was finally informed that my husband would be granted his claim — but they could n't make the payment yet because they had lost his file .
25 I like to think my husband would be devastated by my untimely demise , but I know that he would not be left short of cash to buy black ties and Kleenex .
26 All of which you will be tired of hearing but it has been brought about by my great fear that my husband will be taken off by the Brownings once more , this time to France and there is nothing we can do to prevent it they being the masters of our fate .
27 If I am not completely satisfied , I will return my three books within 10 days , my membership will be cancelled and I will owe nothing .
28 My ticket would be sent the next day .
29 Only my pride would be hurt , of course , but that 's more than enough .
30 ‘ The Welsh Office under my leadership will be committed to prosperity , to putting the search for work and investment at the top of the agenda .
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