Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun sg] [v-ing] their [noun] " in BNC.

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1 At 4am armed men came into my house forcing their way upstairs to my bedroom .
2 The din became even louder as we turned into Trinity where a gang of felons was being driven about London in a cart wearing a scrawled notice around their neck listing their offence .
3 They lay , joined , for a long time , their breath coming in rapid gasps , their sweat filming their skin with sensuality , their eyes locked together in some unbelievable acknowledgment of each other .
4 At a Brussels press conference , he confirmed that in spite of the resolution last February of a dispute with the United Kingdom government over additionality , local authorities had complained of government restrictions on their spending reducing their ability to make use of EC aid .
5 More than 400 villagers have signed a petition against their application feeling their venture would aggravate the problem .
6 They went squelching on their way dropping their money and I was able to get enough for some new feathers for Tony 's hat to replace those he lost when Nutty put his head in the scruncher .
7 The other girls in the compartment spent their time comparing their passport photographs , and commenting upon the rowdiness of some boys in the corridor , who seemed , to their disbelieving , priggish admiring indignation , to be drinking beer out of cans , but Clara , though she saw , was too rapt to speak .
8 Whenever it was Charlie 's turn to spend four days in the advance trenches his section seemed to occupy most of their time filling their billycans with pints of water , as they struggled to bail out the gallons that dropped daily from the heavens .
9 Lt. Zühlke 's aircraft ( J9 + BL ) crashed just behind the hangars at Takali , he and his gunner losing their lives .
10 Ultimately he will convince them , his determination winning through , his belief becoming their belief .
11 Perhaps , he concluded , in his letter terminating their correspondence for months to come , it was all just a terrible nightmare which would only be understood later ?
12 In the years following his proof of the existence of other galaxies , Hubble spent his time cataloging their distances and observing their spectra .
13 The only witnesses on this whole soggy wasteland are the father and his son walking their dog .
14 EVERY day people passed by our house taking their dogs for a walk .
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