Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun sg] [v-ing] [subord] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I remember my father saying when he was a very old man , ‘ Technique you can learn .
2 I sometimes do this , but usually I just white out around my eyes , which stops my makeup smudging if I am heading a ball .
3 I heard a terrible pounding in my ears , my heart thudding like a drum , my stomach lurching as I swung on the end of the rope .
4 I spend most of my time working while my wife spends most of the time shopping but erm
5 Lissa 's chin lifted , her jaw firming as she viewed the other woman with dislike .
6 She sighed as if relieved of a huge weight and leaned against his chest , waiting for his arms to go round her , her heart singing as his heart thudded fast beside her cheek .
7 Suddenly a low , mocking laugh rang out in the corridor , and she jumped as though she 'd been shot , her heart racing as she looked round into scornful green eyes .
8 Fully awake now , Polly lay absolutely still , her mind racing as she tried to work out what was real and what had been part of her dream .
9 Folly just stared , her mind spinning as she tried to fit these new facts into perspective .
10 Gina recoiled , her mind spinning as his blue eyes , brilliant and intense beneath brows drawn together in thoughtful consideration , travelled over her astonished face .
11 The last two boxes were lifted on to the small boat , the men who strained under their weight cursing as they completed their task .
12 Then she let the door swing shut and went into her bedroom , feeling the tears sting her eyes like hot needles , her mouth trembling as she moved to her wardrobe , got her case , unzipped it and began blindly packing everything she could fit inside .
13 But she could feel her mouth smiling as she said it , belying her real nervousness .
14 Theda stood appalled , all her defiance collapsing as she realised the consequences she had brought down upon herself .
15 But she continued , her laughter growing until her body started to shake with the force of it .
16 Her lips felt swollen from his kiss , her body shuddering as she felt his hand , pressed tensely against her spine , hesitate for a moment and then , as if he could not stop himself , slide around caressingly over her slender body and up to the full swell of her breast .
17 Donna rubbed both hands across her face , her body quivering as she began to regain some warmth , some feeling in her extremities .
18 The first name on the ‘ 92 list is that of a lady who insisted on coming out in her dressing-gown to rill the boot of the car with bags of glossy paperbacks one freezing February night , and then stood on her doorstep waving till I was out of sight .
19 Alice Conway turned about and walked down the corridor , her hands spread out as if in appeal , her head bobbing as she said , ‘ What 's come over people ?
20 She was still some way behind her father 's horse , whom she saw her father checking as he realized there was no way through .
21 He had not paid enough attention to Anna , he had not even seen the girl , and yet she was the only one to benefit obviously and directly from her father dying when he did .
22 From the first Emilia occupied the position of a precariously privileged dependant , and complained of ‘ hard fortune ’ , her father dying when she was only eight , leaving a ‘ miserable ’ estate .
23 " They 're not playing no game , " Mrs Blakey said , her grammar lapsing as it did when she was distressed .
24 Mrs Fort , of Dagenham , Essex , died last year , five days after being punched and kicked by a boy who knocked on her door asking if he could search her garden for a lost football .
25 Rain pushed through , her pace slackening as she regretted not fixing an exact meeting place .
26 She fought him , wanting him , hating him , intolerably confused , her voice shaking as she denied everything .
27 She remembered last night 's kiss and went scarlet , her hand shaking as she tried to eat her salad .
28 She made her way to the second floor , her frown deepening as she looked about her , properly taking in her surroundings for the first time .
29 Convincing herself that she was now over-reacting , Belinda got the headache tablets , then went to dress , her excitement returning as she put on Faye 's dress .
30 She remembered when she was the only child at home , playing with her dolls on the rag rug before the fire and listening to the purring of the kettle on the hob , her mother singing as she worked in the back kitchen , waiting for the others to come home .
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