Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun sg] [coord] [vb past] with " in BNC.

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1 You came without warning and without asking my permission and sat with her at the back of the lecture theatre , exchanging glances and comments .
2 She was delighted to see me , as it meant she would not have to go on her own , and she stood over me while , complaining bitterly , I changed into my jacket and returned with her to the revels .
3 I munched away at my apple and toyed with a piece of cheese as I tried to concentrate on their views on Karl Marx .
4 She opened her case and unpacked with unnecessary vigour .
5 She held the Moosehead repeater to her chest and died with a sentimental smile on her face .
6 She looked at her watch and realised with disappointment that it was much earlier than she had expected .
7 She poured their tea and sat with a cup of her own by the fire , chatting away as easily as she did every morning .
8 And when she went to Pot'ma she had the whole and unchipped attention of her man , and when he drove their car and walked with her in front of the shops he had no files , no papers .
9 She darted into her bedroom and reappeared with a cut-glass bottle of a very expensive make .
10 Any member of staff who sat down at his or her desk and wept with sorrow at the pain they are constantly having to encounter in their customers ' lives , anyone who wept with frustration at their helplessness in the face of the world suffering that they perceive would be considered mentally unstable .
11 She sat at her desk and dealt with the post quickly .
12 But the good-night was not as definite as it sounded and Fritz , cowed though he was , knew it and walked with Erika to her bus-stop and waited with her in the cold until the bus did trundle along , and even then he made an attempt to get on it with her , a ploy which , with a deft use of her elbow , Erika foiled , leaving him standing at the bus-stop ; a lonely rejected youth , bowed as with the sorrows of all the world — and yet irresistibly comic .
13 A year later Maggie sat with her husband and waited with rising excitement as the announcement was made to the vast crowds at Wembley .
14 In September 1962 Sylvia Plath separated from her husband and moved with the two small children to a flat in London .
15 In an effort to disguise the smile which rose unbidden to her lips at her own powerful imagery she ducked her head and dealt with the orange juice .
16 She peered at her wristwatch and saw with surprise that it was almost one .
17 Lucy sat back in her chair and shook with laughter .
18 These included a Venetian work of 1641 , La finta pazza by Francesco Sacrati , which was partly shorn of its music but brightened with fresh ballets by a French composer and striking stage-effects by a celebrated technician Giacomo Torelli , on 14 December 1645 , and Egisto in February 1646 .
19 She glanced in her mirror and fumbled with her gear lever .
20 Eighteen stone Sian bravely fought for her life but collapsed with nine stab wounds in her back .
21 The girl departed and Ella unwound the long woollen scarf from her thick neck , undid her coat and sighed with relief .
22 ’ She bit her lip and played with her teaspoon .
23 She swallowed the mountain that had lodged in her throat and asked with thin sarcasm , ‘ Why , has n't she told you ? ’
24 Brave Lizzie Lamplugh , 22 , ignored the blade at her throat and reasoned with her attacker , offering him her car .
25 Mrs Stych brought her plate to the table , picked up her fork and toyed with her food .
26 He was almost sure that it was all a revelation to her and he watched her in sad silence as she covered her face and shook with sobs .
27 The Cid was then before Albarrazin , doing all the evil that he could , and he brake up his camp and came with his host to Juballa ; and Abeniaf and the Alcaydes of Xativa and Carchayra came unto him , and they renewed their covenant to stand by each other , and be of one voice .
28 The middle-aged businessman opposite lifted his eyes from a sheaf of papers in his briefcase and stared with fixed interest at the soft-faced girl with the golden tan and the riot of Titian curls , but Virginia was supremely unaware of his admiration .
29 He poured the neat whisky into the corner of his mouth and wriggled with slow , painful relief .
30 All went well for the outing until at one particularly reverent moment , the young son of the party stood on his seat and inquired with a loud voice : ‘ Dad , where are all the hypocrites ? ’
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