Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun sg] [pron] went [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Straight after I got out of my car I went to Alain to apologise but he did n't want to accept .
2 oh yes , after funeral you know my husband we went to erm , like the reception bury , you know
3 In tears , I fetched my father who went to work with a shovel and retrieved most of the contents .
4 When I lost a temporary job in a local Traffic Office , I packed my things rather than face another bleak winter and with seven shillings and sixpence in my pocket I went to some friends in south-east London .
5 and erm I went to school at then at the later part of my life I went to Hemel Hempstead and then I left only for four months and went to er work for an ironmonger at ten shillings a week .
6 Yes , my schooling I went to the School in nineteen seventeen in the middle of the First World War .
7 It 's my guess they went to ground somewhere in that area . ’
8 So before my call-up I went to old Mr Grover in Darrowby and he painstakingly did all that was necessary .
9 At 11 o'clock on the night of my visit we went on a fox shoot .
10 That day the bones of the brother of my mother who went to the bottom of the sea will rise up through the green waters , and when they meet the air they will take on his flesh again , and he will swim far up into the endless air and he will meet the old man , free of his dust walking in the air , and my mother flying , and me flying , and I will be laughing .
11 Pausing only to change her dress and smooth her hair she went into the Casa Guidi , laboriously climbed the stairs and arriving in the drawing room in some distress through lack of breath , was hastily urged to sit down and put up her feet and take a dish of tea .
12 In her mind she went over the transformation .
13 In her mind she went to that island and it was there that the ‘ shower ’ played upon her cancer cells ‘ and washed them away . ’
14 The day after her accident we went to the swimming baths so she could have a shower .
15 After a conversation with two traffic wardens and taking their advice I went to the police station and reported my loss .
16 During their visit they went on excursions to Styal Mill , Chester and Liverpool .
17 One afternoon in the last week of their stay she went to a reception in the Rue de Varenne given by yet more of their friends .
18 The ladies ' K4 500m was slotted in at this point and although Dallaway/Davey/Eastwood/Thorogood were 8th in their heat they went into a semi final which acted as a repêchage .
19 He went to Eton where he began a lifelong interest in hunting by becoming Master of the Beagles After completing his education he went to work in the family 's Chicago businesses , but the call of the land which ran strongly in his blood , proved too much He went farming in Texas , but returned to England in 1908 and bought Morris Grange , with four farms , at Scotch Corner — a few miles from Lartington .
20 In 1983 , for example , the Toronto Star gave a moving account of an evangelical Christian minister and his wife who went through a painful rethinking of their position on abortion after experiencing an unwanted pregnancy .
21 She has been a couple of times but er when we were bringing up the family course she could n't reasonably go with me every week and er , but she had used to be er a good supporter when she was a girl , she used to go with her father in those days my son 's been with me , cos I took him las well he took me last night with his wife I went in their car .
22 Soon after his appointment he went to the north to meet representatives of the non-Burman races , and in effect asked them to state their own terms for participation in a Union of Burma .
23 I saw Johnny yesterday , he started coming to manor for his petrol he went to Gateway , Kwik Save whatever you call it
24 Unfortunately for him , the lady 's husband had also spotted his illicit signalling from the bedroom and grabbing his machine-gun he went to the window and shot the hang-glider pilot and all out of the sky in a hail of bullets .
25 Paul , erm he was his wife was there and his dad he went for a bath for a walk , a walk around
26 Thirty-seven stitches were needed to sew back a flap in his face which went from the side of his nose and tore the corner of his mouth .
27 On his death it went to the Wadsworth Atheneum in Hartford .
28 After our break-up she went to Australia for a period .
29 Did you tell your dad you went on a bike ride ?
30 Quite apart from the ones I killed ( and they were all about the same age I was when I murdered them ) I can think of at least three of our family who went to whatever they imagined their Maker was like in unusual ways .
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