Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun sg] [verb] at an " in BNC.

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1 I used to find my bed set at an angle from the wall , and though I straightened it , always it was moved back into this odd position .
2 The 1962 Planning Act upheld the right of any applicant to have their case heard at an oral hearing , but the 1976 Planning Act made this a discretionary matter for An Bord Pleanala to decide .
3 Its sponsor hints at an apology for the mayhem by suggesting that it 's a glitch , a temporary snag to be overcome .
4 She spoke in Spanish , her head held at an angle of listening , and Maggie shot a quick look at their host .
5 He paused by the windowsill on the way to his desk to peer at an African violet in a pot .
6 Whitlock looked at his wife sitting at an angle to the doorway , her face in profile .
7 She eased her chair back but made no move to stand up , filling the silence with small talk as he crouched down , his head twisted at an angle to peer underneath her desk .
8 A man on horseback was circling the water , the reins slack in his hands to let his mount go at an idle walk .
9 It makes your heart beat at an invigorating pace .
10 Well , MCPS have a team of Licence Negotiators whose job it is to negotiate between the producer and our member to arrive at an agreeable rate .
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