Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun sg] [verb] the next " in BNC.

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1 I then started to put my foot to get the next rung down .
2 Lord Lae declared that ‘ oppression does not stand on the doorstep with a toothbrush moustache and a swastika armband ’ ; and millionaire QCs , who think legal aid is something once organised by Bob Geldof , spoke movingly about their willingness to take the next indigent client who wandered into their chambers with a blank cheque .
3 After being cook on the last Whitbread she announced her intention to enter the next Whitbread in her own yacht , with an all women crew .
4 SOUTH AFRICA have withdrawn their bid to stage the next cricket World Cup , said Ali Bacher , managing director of the United Cricket Board of South Africa today .
5 This decision was immensely helpful to Jonathan Cape since it had been and remained their intention to publish the next two volumes of the Diaries and a further volume that related to Crossman 's earlier back-bench activities .
6 It helped , albeit in an unpleasant way , in her campaign to become the next Mrs Jack Butler .
7 They had an hour to get back to the rendezvous with their submarine when the storm strengthened , tossing them high on one wave before they slithered off its back to meet the next great sea , all the time in danger of broaching-to across the waves that could then roll them over .
8 He wondered , morbidly introspective in the cold light of dawn , whether his decision to see the next murder case through from the call to the scene of crime to the trial had really arisen from a desire to learn or merely from a craven wish to impress or , worse , to propitiate , his staff , to show them that he valued their skills , that he wanted to be one of the team .
9 Although White managed to stop the rot after the restart , taking frame 14 with a clearance of 43 , Davis kept his nerve to win the next 96-5 and clinch the match .
10 The creditor who had been splashed by his debtor 's wheel could have his carriage seized the next day .
11 To show his annoyance , Clive 's reaction was to leave his car in the car park that evening so that , whatever time his boss arrived the next day , he would think he was in .
12 Polybius explains in Book 3 why he proposes to extend his exposition to cover the next twenty years by saying : " Since judgements regarding either victors or vanquished based purely on the actual struggles are not final …
13 Xerxes 's fleet was destroyed in 480 at Salamis under Athenian leadership , and his army defeated the next year at Plataea under the Spartans .
14 In his report delivered the next day , he observed that the road surface was not yet completed and that only drivers with at least six years ' service could be employed on Anerley Hill .
15 Can I say finally Chairman , that I will be instigating a er a request er I shall be requesting I should say perhaps to the director of education that erm the three party spokesman on the management committee and all those officers who will be involved in implementing this decision will get together at the earliest and I 'm citing possibly next week so that we can be on our way to plan the next step forward to a concrete implementation of this particular proposal .
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