Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun sg] [verb] be on " in BNC.

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1 My job entailed being on call for shipping in the harbour and for this reason I was loath to live outside Stornoway .
2 ‘ When I arrived for training this morning , my wife had been on three times and I thought something had happened to my little girl , who was in hospital over the weekend .
3 If my son had been on medication at the end of last year he would not have made an unprovoked attack on his father in November , nor attempted to share his New Year 's Eve lunch with the lions .
4 I could n't help remembering the pleasure I had had in my clothes , how keen my mother had been on my wearing them , how we had often designed them and chosen them together and my mother had made most of them .
5 Her heart had been on her sleeve when Mandy had opened that door , and she felt utterly and abjectly humiliated .
6 The council economic development convener , George Hood , said yesterday that its commitment had been on the basis of the original development , which had never materialised .
7 What did she mean , her mother had been on the streets ?
8 The dental surgery where his Mum worked was on the outskirts of Thirkett .
9 His mind had been on the office .
10 But even in the 1820s some of his work had been on electricity and magnetism , which would now be thought of as physics ; and in the 1830s he moved decidedly in this direction .
11 Victory : The only valuables the Vampire and his minion have are on their persons ( see their profiles ) .
12 She would go back to Sea House and tell Stephen that his father had been on a train at the time of his mother 's death .
13 Dr Mardell said the last distribution of aid in Srebrenica before his arrival had been on 12 December and had provided four kilos of flour per family — enough for about one week .
14 His house has been on the market for six months .
15 His mam 's been on the phone .
16 Our marriage has been on the cards from day one , and there 's not a damned thing either of us can do about it . ’
17 WHILE our attention has been on the General Election and its aftermath , the Serbs have been up to their old tricks .
18 So our emphasis has been on cost reduction and internal quality issues .
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