Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun sg] [verb] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He made my guitar riffs up for me and used to present the rest of us with tapes , ’ says Solowka .
2 If anyone finds inspiration in this foul , self-indulgent dross , then my heart goes out to them .
3 You poor little dear — my heart goes out to you , waiting all this time .
4 WHILE my heart goes out to the parents in the baby-swop drama , I have to agree with the midwife interviewed on TV who said that it was ‘ a disaster waiting to happen ’ .
5 My heart goes out to them .
6 My heart goes out to them . ’
7 My heart goes out to the people who are being raped , pillaged and murdered just because they are Bosnian Muslims .
8 My heart goes out to the people who are being raped , pillaged and murdered just because they are Bosnian Moslems . ’
9 ‘ Because my heart goes out to you .
10 I appreciate that greatly and my heart goes out to them , ’ he said on BBC Radio 4 's Today programme .
11 My heart goes out to them and their children . ’
12 MY heart goes out to all Scotsmen and women , who watched the World Cup Third-Place Play-off at Cardiff .
13 My heart goes out to the father and to all the family .
14 My heart goes out to him — ’
15 My heart went out to poor Aunt Louise .
16 But my heart went out to Anne Marie Taylor-Evans , an excellent , an excellent dressage discipline was followed by a good gallop in the cross country until the bridle broke .
17 My heart cried out to it , but when I approached it , it summoned up the last dregs of its strength and paddled frantically away to the middle of the lake , where I had been instructed never to go .
18 My hair falls out at the slightest touch , sometimes leaving little bald patches .
19 My hair comes out like a bird 's nest and my eyes look slitty .
20 And it ble sun bleaches my hair to start off with .
21 ‘ My enthusiasm for my cooking spills over into the restaurant , ’ he said .
22 It was flooded with water that in my case came up to my armpits and in Jeff 's case the back of his knees .
23 ‘ When my patience runs out with all the mediation and when I exhaust my capabilities I will issue a statement to all Lebanese and apologise .
24 ‘ When my patience runs out with all the mediation and when I exhaust my capabilities I will issue a statement to all Lebanese and apologise .
25 My contract runs out at the end of this trip .
26 ‘ I could ask him and Tim and you , and make my mum go out for the evening . ’
27 My Mum looked down at me and I could tell she was just about to cry .
28 It was then that my mum came over to me .
29 mother 's house in because my father was in in the first world war so my mum had to go to live with my grandmother and er I was born there and er then when my father came home we came back to my mum came back to she ha got a little house somewhere I forget where it was street , does n't s it 's not there any more .
30 My mum came in at about 07.15 , holding out my black suit and a white shirt that she had just ironed .
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