Example sentences of "[pos pn] [adj] [adj] [noun] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 The election of the Prime Minister has done much to dispel that idea and to show the general public that in my right hon. Friend we have a Prime Minister who is frank about his business background and honest about the employment difficulties that he faced as a young man .
2 In my half awake state I heard a shell coming over very low and exploding close by .
3 That 's what my dreams showed — that underneath my standard teenage exterior I was conkers , stark staring .
4 I mean you 've got to keep the Home Fires Burning , Grin and Bear it , make him Feel Welcome — although see when he 's up at midnight frying eggs and he spatters grease all over my good ceramic hob I could brain him so I could — but I just tell myself he 's Not Home Forever and I bite my tongue .
5 During my forthcoming Presidential Year it is my belief , as I know it is yours , that the Institute should and shall continue to look forward into the 90s and beyond and if there is to be a theme , it should quite simply be ‘ The Institute ’ .
6 ‘ Together with my improving physical state it was not long before I was engaged in a voluntary capacity as business counsellor with the local Business Development Venture for which I served for five absorbing years quite happily . ’
7 ‘ Together with my improving physical state it was not long before I was engaged in a voluntary capacity as business counsellor with the local Business Development Venture for which I served for five absorbing years quite happily . ’
8 In my first few months I made some real gaffes — sitting in the wrong part of the dining room , for instance , and using a commanding manner with staff who were n't used to it .
9 I knew that I would probably lose the case if I did , and lose everything , but for my own personal esteem I needed to actually make that stand . ’
10 I think from my own personal preference I would very much like to have an understanding of what happens at the interface between solids and liquids , because this affects so many different branches of chemistry and physics _ the understanding of what happens at interfaces will govern the understanding of what makes things stick together , what makes catalysis occur , the nature of rocks even .
11 On my own ten-acre farm I grow one quarter of an acre of winter wheat and one quarter of winter rye ( mainly for bread ) , and half an acre of undersown spring dredge mixture ( oats , barley , rye , and peas ) for feeding ‘ on the straw ’ .
12 If this second approach is right — and despite my own biochemical enthusiasms I believe that it is — then the biochemical events that I study are likely to be very general processes of protein synthesis and membrane modification , sometimes described as ‘ housekeeping ’ .
13 that was my twenty first birthday we bought that on , so that was before Gary was born and er , that had black screw on legs as well , the televisions had black screw , oh we did n't have a television we had a second hand television about a year after we were married and I remember Coronation Street starting , that started about when we got married .
14 Now my twenty first birthday I 'd never had a copper for weeks , w e had n't got anything , anything at all , and all we got really was the old fashioned dog biscuits .
15 He exclaimed , " Woe is me , if I only had my two darling nephews I should not lack a champion . "
16 And my lovely , my lovely lovely gravy we had .
17 In my next two chapters I shall attempt to compare the official curriculum in African primary schools with actual curriculum practice , and thus to contrast what official plans say should happen in schools with the realities of what actual schools and real teachers plan and provide .
18 With her uplifted left foot she was shoving the next foster mother square in the mouth .
19 As diabetic patients have little feedback on their daily lipid concentrations we aimed at determining whether self monitoring of plasma triglyceride concentrations improved lipid concentrations ( and perhaps indirectly glucose concentrations ) in patients with non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus .
20 She says she was mentally and physically abused by her boyfriend , but after 10 months at the hostel with her 2 young sons she 's starting to turn her life around .
21 Owing to its high alkaline requirement it should only be grown with those plants with the same preference .
22 Providing they beat both Saracens and London Scottish in their remaining two games they can finish as high as fifth in the Premier Division .
23 I shook my head , and with a toss of her spiky white hair she veered away towards Murphy and Hauptmann .
24 The popularity is put down to a good flavour — with its tight creamy head it 's similar to Tetley 's — the lack of any other light bitters in Nicholson 's range that compete with it and a slight price advantage of around five pence .
25 Plentiful supplies of Real English Cox are in the shops now with their rosy-cheeked healthy appearance and their sophisticated aromatic flavour they make a perfect lover 's gift etc , etc . ’
26 Before the two teams take the stage at HQ , the league programme will be over and if Orrell keep up their current good form they will win the Championship .
27 Fitting in with her hectic social agenda I was most conveniently dropped off and picked up by car .
28 In her present vulnerable state she was hopelessly receptive to kindness .
29 The rain had succeeded in filtering through her thin jacket to the blouse beneath , and in her present damp state she 'd probably finish up with pneumonia or some such ailment .
30 Montrose , however , pressed the candidacy of William Hamilton , chiding his fellow peer for ingratitude and suggesting ‘ that its ane ill requitall he 's likely to give by showeing a backwardness to [ a ] brother of Baillie Hamilton 's who showed some zeall for the service of his bro[the]r at his election .
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