Example sentences of "[pos pn] [adj] [noun] as i " in BNC.

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1 I righted myself and pain shot up my right leg as I put weight on it .
2 I put the branch two-handed over my right shoulder as I run up to them , jump over a small bush and then as I land at their side bring the branch swinging down .
3 The problem is mostly on my right side as I am right handed .
4 Except a long metal trunk on the floor which removed a couple of inches of skin from my right shin as I scraped round it .
5 I have made lots of lasting friendships along my Guiding road as I have through Medau and think myself lucky .
6 In a dream , she saw him skid to a halt , taking in the scene at once as it must have appeared — his brother bending over his fiancée — and , thought Sarella in dismay , taking in my submissive expression as I stupidly allow this dark monster to maul me .
7 ‘ You know I have n't walked so much during my entire lifetime as I 've walked these last few days , ’ he said with an effort to divert her from her dark thoughts .
8 He said : ‘ I pulled the hamstring in my left leg as I picked the ball up to score a try .
9 and could report upon them in their own ethical statements , but they could not object to my ethical statements as I meant them , if I have the relevant feelings .
10 The hand-claps sometimes seemed to be keeping time with my leisurely steps as I wandered under the arcades in the hot night , but that was just a coincidence .
11 My casual posture , feet crossed and resting 3 ft ( 914.5 mm ) high up the door frame of the train carriage , my wry chuckling as I conceive notions for this wee book , certainly have had an effect on the middle aged Polish man and his Welsh wife who sit opposite each other at the window .
12 My only thought as I collapsed over the line was , ‘ never again ’ .
13 My only emotion as I went back into the box was cold rage .
14 I answered her look with as much affection in my own expression as I could muster and added , ‘ But I want to hear , my lady , tawil omrich .
15 As I write , I make the same demands upon my own text as I do , in my critical capacity , on the texts of other writers .
16 I wore my new glasses as I drove south to pick up Werewolf .
17 Do n't go in there and that could have gone down my whole body as I was walking through everything keeps falling off .
18 My main job as I see it is that I 'm the exactly the same as a vicar in a civilian parish .
19 But my enduring thoughts as I finally flew away from the Cape Verdian sunshine back to Britain was that these people deserve to succeed .
20 My heart gave a jump , then resumed something like its normal beat as I registered the fact that even in an empty house there were draughts , and doors moved and creaked with no one to push them .
21 As his book is mainly about the south , perhaps it had died out in Andalusia , though even there I remember being startled by its male authority as I walked past a café in Seville .
22 It was a relief to get a flight the next morning , yet I felt I 'd been dragged away from Dominica : I had not explored its dangerous magic as I ought to have done .
23 But my children were as amazed at this strange petrel with its eerie call as I had hoped they would be .
24 The children , their faith reinforced , run down the hill to tell others of their good fortune as I stride up the track towards the forest .
25 I shall take Zoe back to Lourdes as soon as she takes her first step as I know she will .
26 So Wilson and I were quite chummy together , and he looked at me approvingly through his thick-lensed glasses as I sat talking with his wife about , for instance , winter tasks .
27 The Emissary gave me another view of his new teeth as I glanced round .
28 This made me lose track of his subsequent drift as I struggled to imagine how chess-playing came to have such a pejorative connotation for him .
29 I packed you up in your painted form as I have done for every move I have made since the Summer Exhibition , and we travelled down to Bodmin together , you and I — ’
30 " I saw your little friend as I came here , " she whispered in my ear .
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