Example sentences of "[pos pn] [adj] [noun] and by " in BNC.

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1 Thus the existence of coalition served to divide the collective leadership by separating those who had power and influence from those who did not , by separating the senior men from their junior colleagues and by cutting off those under the Prime Minister 's influence from the rest .
2 And a strange sight it was , this tiny dark-hared person sitting there with her feet nowhere near touching the floor , totally absorbed in the wonderful adventures of Pip and old Miss Havisham and her cobwebbed house and by the spell of magic that Dickens the great story-teller had woven with his words .
3 Anger gave her the strength to pack her few belongings and by the time Ellen — red-eyed and in tears — came to say that the conveyance was at the door , there was no sign left that Ruth had ever inhabited the room .
4 The initial political and social fears of the masses had always been accompanied by a dread of their cultural impact and by a conviction that civilized values and standards could not possibly survive .
5 Young women were not only constrained by their class position and by unemployment , but also by their male peers and by their position within the family .
6 Those delegates attend on behalf of their unions , governed by national policies , set by their appropriate executives and by their conferences .
7 The case for this development , which seems likely to come about , is strengthened by the fact that the voluntary colleges are already involved in their appropriate RACs and by the existence of the ‘ hybrid ’ colleges , that is those administered jointly by voluntary bodies and local authorities .
8 Oligodendrocyte precursor cells were identified by their characteristic morphology and by the presence of A2B5 ( ref. 24 ) .
9 The price element of the mix can be varied in terms of its basic price and by means of credit arrangements .
10 A number of Group companies completed reviews of their environmental performance and by the end of 1993 , this will have been extended to all companies .
11 And Bella sank back on her pillows , exhausted by pain , by her long story and by the growing suspicion , nagging away obsessively in her head , that , once they had her in here , they would see that her condition was worsening and they would never , ever let her go home again .
12 The Germans have clearly demonstrated by their heavy exactions and by their systematic exploitation of the occupied territories that very large contributions , in labour and in goods , as well as in money , can be collected from one country for the benefit of another .
13 Is the Minister alarmed by the news that appeared in the New York Times last Friday of the help that China has given to Algeria and North Korea in the advanced development of their nuclear weapons and by the fact that a new arms race for conventional and nuclear weapons is roaring ahead at an unprecedented rate ?
14 Writing of Bosnia in the late nineteenth century , that intrepid English educator Adelina Pauline Irby noted the neglect of the province 's economy under Turkish rule , and the sufferings of the poor , burdened by heavy taxation from their Turkish masters and by the exactions of their own Christian clergy .
15 Publicly-financed welfare grew at local and national levels but still by 1914 the very poor survived primarily by their own efforts and by the help of family and neighbours .
16 Do you that a child 's mind works in this way , as he or she looks at the world and finds meaning of in it , and are others who are influenced by their own experiences and by their conclusions of others .
17 It is hard to remember , unless something similar is happening at the time , exactly how strongly people feel at moments of great political crisis , how they are carried away by conviction of the rightness of their own side and by contempt and hatred of the other .
18 By allowing the SiO4 units to rotate freely about their common oxygens and by making the bond-angle of the ‘ bridging oxygen ’ flexible , these chemists could conceive of a continuously connected random network that left the local order intact , but which destroyed the overall crystalline topology .
19 The meeting , which was attended by 114 of its 161 members and by 14 observer delegations , unanimously adopted a resolution calling for a more co-ordinated international approach to the problem of aircraft noise .
20 ‘ What is remarkable about it is that in its own way and by its own route it struggles after the same message as Christ . ’
21 This article tells the story of a community health centre which is committed to the principle of self-evaluation by its own staff and by village health workers who are seen as the interface between the health centre and the community .
22 Britain , reckoned easy-going by its own politicians and by the industry itself , has the lowest prices in Europe .
23 On Fame ’ , she is criticized by Parthenia for her dirty shoes and by Sophronia for her posture : ‘ Still o'er a Table leans your bending Neck : / Your Head will grow prepost'rous , like a Peck ’ [ ML , 2 , 52 ] .
24 Healthy development in women was thus signified by an attachment to their prescribed sphere and by the manifestation of moral virtue .
25 It is to the cavity magnetron that Harry Boot made his greatest contribution and by which he will be long remembered .
26 Then he grabbed Orcadai by his top knot and by the sash at his waist , dragged him to the rail , and threw him over .
27 When he was twelve , his psychic sense blossomed and he realized that he himself was one of those whom he had learned to loathe , taught both by his personal tragedy and by the missionaries .
28 The taste , wealth and power of Sir Watkin Williams Wynn is represented by his Batoni portrait and by furniture and silver designed by Robert Adam .
29 His scenes are never static but animated by his fast-moving line and by his attention to the life of the place , to the boats , barrels , nets and figures at work .
30 All who met him were staggered by his easy command of innumerable languages , by his polished manners , by his superb musicianship and by his mastery of courtly pursuits like hunting and playing chess — not to mention his astonishing good looks .
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