Example sentences of "[pos pn] [adj] [noun] and at " in BNC.

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1 Most of the time their relationship was friendly and relaxed : in the daytime they went about their separate business and at night they came back to eat and sleep .
2 The North of England Branch Award went to Nottingham Old Market Square , which also exceeded its annual target and at the end of March had 22 customers using Royline .
3 One result was the triumphant expansion of some charitable organizations , which rejoiced both at their new-found importance and at the Government 's munificence .
4 Some micro-organisms began to manufacture their own nourishment and at the same time provide a food-chain base for all other emerging creatures .
5 The programs are designed to enable students to work in their own time and at their own pace .
6 Piano lessons will be an optional extra taken by students in their own time and at their own expense .
7 But we all have our own ideas about the answers to these big questions and it ought to be left to the discretion of class teachers to allow their pupils to learn about life 's problems in their own time and at their own pace .
8 Involvement with projects like these , and the engagement in regular discussions with national authorities such as the English and Wales Tourist Boards , the National Park Authorities and the Countryside Commission , means that the Trust can share its conservation expertise and at the same time encourage and learn from others in helping to develop more sophisticated techniques in caring for and educating visitors .
9 The name which stands chronologically first in the list is eloquent in itself ; and Nietzsche is explicit about the underlying cruelty ( in which he includes cruelty to oneself ) , not only of tragic art and religious self-denial , but of the pure appetite for truth , for its own sake and at any cost .
10 The court now has a wide power in personal injury actions to order , of its own motion and at any stage in the proceedings , that issues of liability be tried before quantum ( Ord 33 , r4 ( 2A ) ) .
11 Dark-breasted race guttata , deep buff below and strongly marked grey-blue above , can be told from Tawny Owl ( p. 183 ) in flight by its longer wings and at rest by its longer legs .
12 Looking at the guards in their bumble-bee uniforms and at their guns , I do n't know what they do to the burglars , but they scare the hell out of me .
13 We found Venturous better than ever with her new engines and at fourteen knots was much quieter and free from the old vibration .
14 Pilade was the only one to whom she showed her true self and at three years of age this was no burden to him .
15 Roy Jenkins , both as Chancellor of the Exchequer and as Home Secretary , was expert at itemizing the workload of his high office and at time-budgeting accordingly .
16 Bowler now frequently accompanied Minton on his social round and at cocktail parties noticed how quickly he livened things up .
17 He was on the point of taking his own life because he was depressed over his ill health and at the , in the church one can find spiritual food and physical food together , and in our country that 's about the only place where you can find those two together .
18 This morning I spoke briefly to Terry Waite while he was on board the aircraft returning home and was able to express the delight that I and the whole country felt at his safe return and at Mr. Sutherland 's release .
19 This new prodigy , already 36th on the provisional list after only three ranking events , started playing in his mother 's snooker club when he was nine ; at 13 he made his first century and at 16 his first 147 .
20 We need to know whether Paul got to the Cathedral under his own steam and at what time .
21 He came here last year for our big assembly ; and returned last month for a four-week visit , on his own conviction and at his own expense .
22 There was a sense of immaturity in our society , an admiration of the crook , the kind of cock-eyed notion that if someone could get away with it he was a Robin Hood type who could somehow feather his own nest and at the same time feather theirs .
23 In a personal letter to Acheson , Jessup described MacArthur as being ‘ quite outraged ’ at the rejection of his own recommendations and at the recalcitrance displayed by the joint chiefs .
24 As far as we know there were only two places where he was likely to feel sufficiently at home to take his jacket off — in his own house and at Laura Passmore 's . ’
25 She was tackling this man on his own terms and at some time she would be doing it head-on .
26 Does the person have to correct unsatisfactory work in his own time and at his own expense ?
27 Finally then , as feminists , it is vital that we raise these issues in our trade unions , our work , our political parties and at local grass-roots level , insisting that feminist demands are incorporated into the general political strategy and so broadening the socialist perspective .
28 Place fingertips on the larynx whilst you hum and feel the tingling on your lips , and count up to ten or say a simple phrase in your loudest voice and at the same time concentrate on the feeling on the finger tips .
29 amazing stuff — considering that Rekdal is one of the best players in our national team and at least as good as Batts …
30 He concludes with this paragraph : If religion throughout the ages , and certainly in many parts of the world today , has been used as a weapon for destructive purposes , are we not called to demonstrate that as people of faith we can both live in passionate commitment to our respective tradition and at the same time in compassionate respect for each other and to affirm that the faith commitment of each one is only truly realized when we live in that mutual respect accordingly ?
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