Example sentences of "[pos pn] [adj] [noun] [vb base] be " in BNC.

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1 Having said that , many of my favourite pictures have been really bold designs using very strong colours on striking backgrounds !
2 I have written to both the Prime Minister and the Sports Minister because I wonder if my civil liberties have been infringed .
3 The results in my Mediterranean garden have been more successful than I 'd dared to hope .
4 My important possessions have been removed to this tower .
5 Drama begins : " I used to be a wizard with great powers ; but my magic jewels have been stolen .
6 Lesser rorqual , pilot whales , Risso 's dolphins , killer whales and porpoises are all likely to be met with in Shetland waters and most of my close encounters have been while I have been drifting with the motor stopped .
7 I would also be prepared to take up some responsibility in the popular government , It will be a less oppressed life , more tranquil , although perhaps at home there will only be me because my husband and my two sons have been murdered by the army and the others have gone to fight .
8 All my best laughs have been in prison .
9 Civil rights organisations have long criticised the league for not having a black head coach despite the fact that many of its greatest players have been black .
10 This tradition and its inherent contradictions have been noted before , as when an historian of the discipline wrote almost twenty years ago :
11 OVER THE past few years Britain and her European allies have been trying to adapt a system designed to catch Warsaw Pact spies to the task of hunting international terrorists .
12 Other connections between the psychic worlds of individuals and groups and their political relations have been traced out systematically by Guntrip .
13 Similarly , the notion of social development through increasing differentiation and individuation has had a considerable place in later sociological theories , although its political implications have been judged in diverse ways ; from one aspect social differentiation may be seen as creating a mutual dependence of individuals and groups which is a fundamental element in a stable democratic system , while from another aspect ( as in Durkheim 's theory ) it may be regarded as a danger to the political order if it leads to excessive individualism , and then needs to be checked by a moral consensus embodied in the state .
14 He turns more fruitfully to plays , becomes writer in residence at the Royal Court , adapts Brecht for the RSC and Kafka for Radio 3 , turns out two screenplays which Stephen Frears films , is nominated for an Oscar for one of them , and finally succeeds , in his mid-thirties , in getting a novel published ( its adolescent predecessors have been burnt four years earlier ) .
15 Often , a technology and its economic benefits have been lost to Japan or the US .
16 Its 70 members have been elected under new , fairer rules .
17 The challenge goes against a whole tradition in which the core of the discipline and its prestigious areas have been theoretical and methodological issues centring largely around analyses of power , class , conflict and the problem of order .
18 The variety and extent of ‘ the games people play ’ with their emotional lives have been outlined by Berne ( 1968 ) .
19 Since Quality Kraft Carpets commenced , its total sales have been as follows : These sales are to two distinct markets :
20 Indeed , their different uses have been investigated by Sanford , Moar & Garrod ( 1988 ; Garrod & Sanford 1990 ) , who showed that pronominal references in continuations are more likely to be made to proper-named characters , and that characters introduced by proper name are more easily accessed for anaphoric reference , as indexed by self-paced reading time .
21 We do not go about saying that there is another defeat for science , because its old ideas have been abandoned .
22 Few attempts have been made to set these earliest of monuments into any sort of context , but stimulating ideas of their contemporary landscapes have been proposed both by Colin Renfrew , who has argued that the tombs belonged to groups and therefore represent ‘ territories ’ , very much as the medieval church related to parish communities , and Graeme Barker and Derrick Webley , who have argued for the inhabitants of causewayed enclosures exploiting a variety of different landscapes , much as Bronze Age and later Iron Age communities did .
23 Their crowded funerals have been dignified by ceremony proper to their public status and success , but few personal tributes were more poignantly expressed than by the posies of primroses picked by children of the unemployed at the Docklands settlement where Mrs Melville Wills had worked to within a few days of her death at the age of 73 in 1936 .
24 A pregnant woman and her three-year-old son have been injured in a head-on crash involving a stolen car .
25 That is because communism and its paler imitations have been decisively rejected and because there is a trend to more liberal and democratic values .
26 He has been confused with his younger brother , Jonathan , also born in Dearham and baptized 11 September 1744 , who followed the same profession , and their separate publications have been listed in several prominent works under John 's name .
27 Their early publications have been linguistic products such as spellcheckers , dictionaries , thesauri and multilingual translators .
28 Their contrasted influences have been found again and again in widely differing animal groups .
29 If the body 's vitality is low , or if its reactive powers have been suppressed through long exposure to steroid drugs , homoeopathic remedies are often ineffective .
30 His ex-wife and child and her second husband have been living on benefits for a year .
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