Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun] if [pron] do " in BNC.

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1 Frankly , it wo n't break my heart if we do n't see them at all . ’
2 ‘ Miguel , do n't you be making me spend my money if I do n't want to !
3 Even a woman like you wo n't want to be responsible for what could happen to my sister if I do n't find him soon . ’
4 So I feel happier in my mind if I do it every day .
5 If I can be serious enough , I hope to find satisfaction in the Church of England : it will be my fault if I do n't .
6 Well do n't go , it 's not my fault if you do n't pass your exams .
7 Well do n't go , it 's not my fault if you do n't pass your exams .
8 It 's all over and done with , not my fault if you did n't take it in then …
9 It would be even more difficult to explain my data if it did not .
10 It was you , when I was ready to deny any such ridiculous notion , who threatened me with the loss of my job if I did n't back you up all the way !
11 ‘ A few people might be looking for my head if we do n't do it , ’ he said .
12 You wo n't get any of my share if you do
13 I never can remember my dreams if I do n't write them down .
14 Because I 'll have to sell my flat if you do n't come and help with the bills .
15 ‘ I do n't know how to improve my performance if I do n't know what you really want .
16 I 'll be sad all my life if you do n't ! ’
17 Goethe once said : ‘ I would be able to commit all crimes in my life if I did not have the possibility to express them . ’
18 All I know is that I 'll regret it all my life if I do n't do this now . ’
19 Then I offered to tell her my secret if she did n't tell anyone else .
20 I 'd be failing in my duty if I did n't make it my business to know who she 's consorting with . ’
21 Added to which , the Panel has legal power to apply to the court to require a company to change its accounts if they do not comply with recognised standards .
22 Rebel MPs told of threats to their futures if they did not back the Government .
23 A GRE spokesman said all the staff were being offered a transfer to Lytham and added that the firm would do its best to accommodate their wishes if they did n't want to move to Lytham .
24 Does he accept that many of the constituents of his hon. Friend the Member for Ipswich ( Mr. Irvine ) face losing their houses if they do not receive the full pension ?
25 A key question is which of the existing ITV companies will win back their contracts — and what happens to their programmes if they do n't ?
26 She did n't see why people were supposed to work hard if you ground their noses ; it seemed more likely that they 'd work hard if you promised to grind their noses if they did n't .
27 Yes , but what was her independence if she did n't marry him ?
28 This illustrates that the law does not exist simply for the protection of individuals , for if it did one would be able to refuse its help if one did not want it .
29 Twenty seven year old Daniel Ahearn threatened to expose their homosexuality if they did n't pay up .
30 Daniel Ahearn threatened to expose their homosexuality if they did n't pay up .
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