Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun] down over [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I was terrified , I tried not to look at him , I tried pulling my skirt down over my knees .
2 Carol was giggling insanely and Melissa was still trying to pull her jumper down over her unruly , but perfectly formed , breasts as they ran across the road to the van .
3 One minute they 're growing bamboos through living prisoners and unravelling their own insides , and the next they 've all got their heads down over their computers , making motor cars .
4 She wriggled her skirt down over her thighs and when she risked a look she was relieved to discover Edward had done his trousers up again .
5 She brushed her skirts down over his hand so that it was free to move upwards beneath the pleated folds .
6 She ran her hand down over his chest and stomach , and seized him softly and irresistibly by the roots .
7 While Fleury and Harry exchanged a glance of shock and bewilderment at the unfortunate turn the tea party had suddenly taken , an effervescent mass detached itself from one of her breasts , which was revealed to be the shape of a plump carp , then from one of her diamond knee-caps , then an ebony avalanche thundered from her spine down over her buttocks , then from some other part of her .
8 He had been remarkably restrained until then , but when she felt him ease her jeans down over her hips she suddenly caught his sense of urgency as , with a low groan , he roughly pulled her even closer , burying his head against the soft skin of her thighs .
9 There was no resistance from her as his hands moved caressingly over her flesh , her senses somehow drugged and seduced into quivering acquiescence as he leaned forward , trailing his lips down over her throat and lower neck , searching for and finding the firm , warm swell of her breast .
10 ‘ It means that , since the de Sciorto title dates from the mid-sixteenth century , I come somewhere in the middle of the pecking order , ’ he grinned , his eyes lidded as he moved his gaze down over her defensively folded arms , lingering on the golden swell of her breasts at the button fastening on her T-shirt .
11 Smiling blandly , he tugs the points of his waistcoat down over his paunch and sidles out of the office .
12 Maybe I should have taken you to Calypso 's Cave , over on Gozo , ’ he added mockingly , running his hands down over her hips and closing the gap between them so that every hollow and curve came into contact with the steely wall of his legs and stomach , ‘ where the goddess Calypso managed to detain Ulysses for seven years … ’
13 ‘ You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen , ’ he whispered huskily , smoothing his hands down over her slim waist , the curve of her hips , to the delicate lace of her panties , peeling the scrap of white material down to reveal the whole of her , trembling and weak-kneed , as she stood before him .
14 This man 's joy at his team 's win greatly tempered his reaction at being jabbed in the chest by a vigorous old Irish American , but even he had to retaliate when Uncle Mick pulled his cap down over his eyes and shoved him back in his seat .
15 He pulled his cap down over his eyes but the wind whistled bitterly through his ears .
16 Lucie forced a penny into his soft , sleeping palm ; dumped his shearing tools in his lap , and pulled his cap down over his face in the hope that nobody would recognize him for one of the players .
17 He pulled his cap down over his forehead and slipped quietly into the market .
18 I hoped he remembered to pull his cuff down over it when we got out on to the street .
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