Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun] to [noun] by " in BNC.

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1 During my inglorious years as a concert agent I used to reduce my clients to tears by stubbornly refusing to call them ‘ artistes ’ .
2 We have set targets that , from a 1990 base , BP Chemicals will halve its hydrocarbon emissions to the atmosphere and reduce by two-thirds its emissions to water by 1997 .
3 It enables prisoners to pay off their debts to society by working hard and banking the money .
4 Abrogation of this p53 pathway is the most common specific alteration in human cancer , and may be central to the progression of the disease and to its response to treatment by radiation and chemotherapeutic drugs .
5 DNA was isolated from the reaction mixtures and checked for its susceptibility to cleavage by restriction endonuclease Eco RII , which fails to cleave CC A / T GG sites methylated at the inner cytosine residue .
6 In late May two environmental groups , Greenpeace International and the Washington-based Nuclear Control Institute , launched a worldwide campaign to stop high-tonnage shipments of plutonium from Europe to Japan , warning of its potential dangers in the event of spillage and of its vulnerability to seizure by terrorists .
7 Indeed , in recent years has done rather well out of its visits to Brussels by both politicians and officers .
8 This pattern dated originally from the Middle Ages when the towns were able to purchase their right to self-government by paying an impecunious Crown for a charter .
9 In the rise to power of individuals in the closing decades of the Roman Republic many magistrates advertised their right to office by reminding the populace of the virtues of their ancestors through portraits reproduced on the coins they were authorised to mint .
10 There are those who are identified , more or less , as ‘ religious ’ leaders and who uphold all the abstract things which a vast majority of the human race are agreed on as being good , and there are those who have risen above their fellow men and women in the activities of the arts and sciences , and have therefore made their contributions to goodness by providing human happiness through the material gratification of the senses .
11 In a Green Paper , Paying for Local Government , it proposed the abolition of domestic rates ; the setting of non-domestic rates by central government and their distribution to authorities by way of a pooling system ; and simplification of the grants system .
12 Galerie Pels-Leusden turns its attention to painting by the mentally ill with an exhibition of large-format works in coloured pencil by Friedrich Schroder-Sonnenstern .
13 Brenda Bennett , branch manager Healthcare Beckton , decided the time and place was right to change her name to Bol by marrying Pete .
14 As a result , Sparcdirect Ltd , Standish , Lancashire , will have changed its name to Sdirect by the end of the month .
15 The incident delayed the Wardair Airbus on its flight to Toronto by three hours 11 minutes and she asked for compensation of more than £1,500 .
16 US West Inc , which last week was talking about the multimedia database system it is developing with Oracle Corp ( CI No 2,166 ) , is stepping up its commitment to infotainment by agreeing to pay $2,500m for a 25% stake in Time Warner Inc 's Time Warner Entertainment affiliate — in which Toshiba Corp and Japanese trader Itochu Corp each has a stake — to seal a deal under which the two companies will collaborate to develop electronic superhighways — full-service cable networks offering interactive programming , entertainment and information .
17 The consequent unattractive quality of life led to a reappraisal of their commitment to Taiwan by a number of foreign companies .
18 It also confutes their claim to completeness by staging narrative structures for which they can not account .
19 The following autumn , rival mayors were again set up , and on the Sunday following the mayor-making , both sought to validate their claim to office by securing occupancy of the mayor 's pew in the two local churches .
20 has cut its prices to households by 13 per cent in real terms — and attracted 1,000,000 new customers .
21 Then earlier this year the group received a reply from another prisoner at Shalla who had been given their letter to Bashir by mistake .
22 The fact that we were able to change the front page up to 3 am. if necessary gave us a tremendous advantage over the national papers , already on their way to Wales by train .
23 Even they could consider themselves lucky compared with the shackled Italians torpedoed on the Arandora Star on their way to Canada , or other internees beaten and robbed on their way to Australia by British officers and NCOs on the Dunera who gave a pretty good imitation of Hitler 's Stormtroopers .
24 In January Aquino acknowledged her debt to Ramos by endorsing him as her chosen successor for the presidency [ see pp. 38728-29 ] .
25 Bede describes how in the 670s the South Saxons were saved ‘ from a cruel and horrible extinction ’ as a result of their conversion to Christianity by Wilfrid : ‘ … for no rain had fallen in the province for three years prior to his arrival , and a terrible famine had ensued which reduced many to an awful death ’ ( HE IV 13 ) .
26 The maggot-bearing stapelia from southern Africa not only reeks dreadfully of carrion but reinforces its appeal to flies by producing flowers with wrinkled brown petals covered with hairs that look like the decaying skin of a dead animal .
27 One of the big problems the widower does have is that he does not feel so free to express his grief to others by weeping when he talks of his wife , their life together and the events that led up to her death .
28 Sterland announced his return to fitness by saying : ‘ I am picking up my training steadily and looking to turn out for the reserves in the middle of next week .
29 An extremist view expressed by a twentieth-century artist is what Matisse had to say about his responses to murals by Giotto .
30 God gave his inheritance to Abraham by promise , not as a reward for law-keeping ( Gal. 3:18 ) .
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