Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun] be [vb pp] for " in BNC.

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1 My heart was made for love , like a man 's heart .
2 ‘ I can spare you half an hour before my presence is called for in the refectory .
3 My wedding is set for April ; whether I 'm called up or not , it 's going through .
4 Racks and Torments ! dost think , Child , that my Limbs were made for leaping of Ditches , and clambring over Stiles ; or that my Parents wisely foreseeing my future Happiness in Country-pleasures , had early instructed me in the rural Accomplishments of drinking fat Ale , playing at Whisk , and smoaking Tobacco with my Husband ; or of spreading of Plaisters , brewing of Diet-drinks , and stilling Rosemary-Water with the good old Gentlewoman , my Mother-in-Law … .
5 Will my child be penalised for absence due to ill health ?
6 All my cash was accounted for and Jo 's ten crispy twenties were in place .
7 My husband 's sent for the doctor but he has n't arrived yet to confirm it . ’
8 My husband was banned for three years after he 'd killed me . ’
9 I practised so hard that several windows of the house were broken , and my ball was confiscated for a week , which broke the concentration as well as the window .
10 ‘ I have to admit I was surprised when my name was announced for both tours but , hopefully , I can take the chance with both hands . ’
11 Compensation had to be fought for , it was n't a matter of right , and a piece of a very small piece of coal fell down the shaft , the onsetter 's the man at the bottom , and it through his hand and he got compensation and then my father was sacked for the shovel .
12 The effect that evening was that it hurt , especially as my supper was delayed for over an hour by blocked jets .
13 Later still , my realisation was confirmed for me when I read the following statement from one of Bruch 's patients : ‘ I am completely isolated , I sit in a glass sphere .
14 Security and my creature comforts were cared for by a dry-cleaners on the street level ; a cafe on the first floor that would send me up something on a tray when I came home late and tired ; a retired beautician on the second floor who would revive me with an evening ‘ facial ’ ; while the grocer round the corner saw to it that my larder was replenished for my homecomings .
15 My children were interrogated for five months .
16 ‘ The only disappointment from my point of view was that the timetable for my leaving was chosen for me .
17 I worked out in a gym three times a week but when my fitness was tested for the BBC 's The Fitness Programme ( which , embarrassingly , I was presenting ) , it was discovered that although my biceps were passable , my heart and lungs were unaffected by my muscle conditioning .
18 My mother 's knitted for all of us as far back as I can remember , but she acknowledged defeat on this one . ’
19 The large number of foot-soldiers suggests either that they were mercenaries , or that their presence was accounted for by a surviving obligation under the ban .
20 Furniture manufacturers could only operate under licence to the government and most of their products were designated for the defence of the realm .
21 Unisys does n't regret its decision to eschew RISC and stick with Intel , and is making sure its products are enabled for multiple levels of Intel chips , including the P6 , now expected at the end of next year .
22 The Lifeboat survived until 1961 , when its truck was saved for a preservation project .
23 When Bath members mentioned that a third of their stand was kept for non-club members , the stewards disappeared , returning several minutes later with tickets which were then issued .
24 Their trial was slated for 23 November but it was postponed until 10 January 1949 because Geisler broke three ribs in a car crash and was unfit to appear .
25 Honda have spent five million pounds on their Dream Machine … and then they 're are the adventurers … their cars are built for pennies from old bike parts … from wood and cardboard … and then they 're are the brits … the Central South car … the Solar Flair … built in a barn in Wallingford … its been designed and driven by Phil Farrand … he 's served his racing apprenticeship with the Williams Grand Prix Team as a research engineer …
26 Because even if an ARLA member goes bust its clients are covered for loss by insurance .
27 Her eyes were held for a few moments in the lazy gaze across the desk , then with a conscious effort she blinked herself free , looked down at her notepad .
28 Eva has always had a special relationship with Margaret , the younger , quieter sister but the ones at the top of the family are also high ill her esteem.Joyce was loved for the way she helped " mother " them and Beverley , the eldest boy , was another of her heroes .
29 Her nose was too small to balance her high flat cheekbones , and her mouth was made for a face at least two sizes larger .
30 Also in the intertidal zones , animals find that much of their work is done for them .
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