Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun] because you [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I closed off … yes , I did close off my heart because you had closed off yours , ’ she insisted quickly , her words coming in a rush .
2 ‘ I 've got to lie here for the next twelve hours without moving with an ice-pack over half my face because you walked out and left me to the mercy of a predatory pit-popsy ! ’
3 When people walk into an auditorium , one thing ought to happen and another ought not : their attention should be grabbed and held but at the same time they should n't fall flat on their faces because you 've failed to gaffer down a loose wire .
4 GrandPat did something wrong I suppose when you went down like a when he 's lying on his back because you do n't go down there very very fast .
5 And finally , there 's Tony , who 's wasting a lot of his time because you have n't giving him enough targets to keep him interested and to develop his potential , and to get the best out of him .
6 And I actually believe that for your programme because you 've done most of the work , believe it or not , the problem is you have n't written everything down .
7 ‘ He is one of those players you want in your side because you know he will be superb week-in , week-out .
8 If you 're keeping your spouse because you have the assets and he or she does n't , there 's no good leaving nothing to the spouse , unless that spouse is rich in his or her own right Rich in comparative terms , then there may be good reasons not to live him or her anything because you 'd rather leave it to the children .
9 This means that if you hate , say , cottage cheese or liver , do not feel that you simply must include these foods in your diet because you have heard that these things are good for you , or because a diet sheet says you must have them .
10 When I left Uganda after my marriage , my mum told me , never write anything to me about your troubles because you did n't listen to us .
11 If you have earned pension rights in past employments but have been unable to claim your entitlements because you have lost touch with your pension scheme , then the Occupational Pensions Board 's pensions tracing service could provide the missing link .
12 And you can modify your behaviour because you 've got to try .
13 Banks , yes you deal with banks and er they know a lot about your affairs because you 've got your bank account and it goes through their hands and the know all about that .
14 Erm , it 's , if is a bit awkward bu , you know , our , well our terms because you know how calls so Jenny gets to have them , she gets an awful lot .
15 And , I think Alan , this actually arose in , in , erm , our suggestions because you felt that what do with procedures .
16 ‘ That I was posted to your staff because you asked for me .
17 Elliel 's our discount because you know they 're doing
18 It is perpetuating its independent existence within your being , taking away your ability to control your life because you have handed this over to your lower nature — or to ‘ life ’ — within you .
19 This force is very much alive within your life because you feed it with your fears .
20 that 's a lie because you do n't wan na improve your lot because you 've been happy under the Confucius
21 ‘ Anyway , should you move out of your country because you disagree with the politics of the government ?
22 Wearing hankies in the ends of your boots because you 'd bought them 2 sizes too big , and they were still floppy , with those grey flecked Millets hiking socks on !
23 It is hardest for your year because you 've known other people to have erm
24 All those things happen to you , all those hormones , particularly adrenaline have got into your bloodstream because you need this sudden burst of energy to get you across the road .
25 Fire Officer , paper F , and I think you 've had a something additional put on your table because you 've had with that paper A.
26 I welcome your speech because you have a quite a good habit of optimistic outlook future which is contrary to what a lot of other chairmen are saying .
27 So when you eyeball someone and arrange to eyeball them over the C.B. you do not meet them somewhere like your house because you do n't want anyone who might be listening to turn up at your house so you meet them somewhere like the park or somewhere like that and then take them to your house if you wish .
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