Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun] never [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The results of this tour , so far as the ladies of the party were concerned , tended to confirm all my previous impressions of their valour and vigour , and also to the strengthening of my determination never to undertake or propose any arrangement from which the ladies must of course be excluded .
2 The noises in my head never stop and have nearly driven me to suicide .
3 Her rival never rebuilt and had to give up . ’
4 Not a muscle of Nan 's face moved , her stroke never faltered as she brushed and watched the flakes fall down on the newspaper she had spread beneath .
5 Giants , trailing by seven points after the first leg , took an aggregate lead as early as the fourth minute , but their game never flowed as missed shots and tired , sloppy defence allowed the Finns to stay in touch through their prolific three-point shooters .
6 Michel Foucault ( 1926–1994 ) , who studied under Althusser , took the step his teacher never did and distanced himself from Marxism while remaining politically radical .
7 He referred to the Unemployed Electrician , but it was his habit never to concede that anyone in the team had a personal name .
8 I felt sure that he was more than a little drunk , but his voice never slurred or changed from that flat resonance that makes so many Americans sound as though they are speaking over a loud-hailer .
9 His expression never altered as he looked at her .
10 At the end of our days let us be able to say that we have tasted life and found joy in it ; that our enthusiasm never waned but increased throughout life and that we regret nothing :
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