Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun] will be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 We shall have to live quietly , because all my money will be gone . ’
2 Within the community the question is which site will win the first , and both inside and outside there is the question of ‘ How much of my money will be sacrificed to support the CIT ? ’ — areas of science that have no immediate connection to fusion nevertheless get funded from the same sources , such as the Department of Energy .
3 Mr Moore added : ‘ Bulletins about my progress will be issued in due course but neither my wife nor myself will be making any further statements of any kind with regard to my medical condition .
4 However , my grief will be contained within the expectation that such an event was likely to occur before too long , because of the age of my parent .
5 Of course , it could be argued that my work will be shown .
6 It may be that my help will be called for .
7 It 's unlikely that asking my help will be approved by your masters . ’
8 Another twenty years and my mortgage will be paid off so I can have a new car then !
9 So guess where one of my weeks will be spent this summer ?
10 Will the Minister give an assurance that the jobs of my constituents will be helped by the Government 's provision of credit ?
11 All of which you will be tired of hearing but it has been brought about by my great fear that my husband will be taken off by the Brownings once more , this time to France and there is nothing we can do to prevent it they being the masters of our fate .
12 If I am not completely satisfied , I will return my three books within 10 days , my membership will be cancelled and I will owe nothing .
13 ‘ The Welsh Office under my leadership will be committed to prosperity , to putting the search for work and investment at the top of the agenda .
14 My powers will be restored — and I shall rule Ireland for ever . ’
15 If the rest of your Beginner 's Guide is to the same high standard as Issue £4 Many of my fears will be ironed out .
16 Your beauty and my name will be forgotten
17 My minute will be burnt , or composted , or trodden down into mulch , into humus , into peat , into soft coal , into hard .
18 My father will be buried at sea .
19 Most of my comment will be related to the methodology of selection of the site of any new settlement , and not to the question of need which we 're now addressing ourselves to .
20 I know that in this regard my feeling will be echoed by my hon. Friends with responsibility for Bristol constituencies .
21 I think that my comments will be taken by a fair commentator as fairly hostile to the Bill .
22 ‘ The more rounds the lads play the sooner my suspension will be eaten up .
23 We look forward to hearing more from you on the fourteenth of June erm but next week my subject will be based on another lecture topic , quite a different one .
24 I wonder if my pension will be increased to meet some of these demands ?
25 When he entered into Calpurnia an army officer came to him and tricking him and saying , sir , my manservant is laid up in the house with paralysis being terribly tormented , he said to him when I get there I will cure her in reply the army officer said sir , I am not a fit man for you to enter under my roof , but just say the word and my manservant will be healed
26 Two answers may be given : first , just as they illuminate many other areas of social life , the methods and findings of our rivals may help us understand the work of the professions ( to illustrate this , some of my examples will be drawn from medical novels ; no doubt legal novels will be equally instructive ) ; second , it is not clear how far we can go in understanding other occupations ' behaviour unless we grasp that of our own .
27 I am manager until the end of the season when my position will be reviewed .
28 My unfaithfulness will be eased gently out along the process of life , dispensing with small fragments of guilt as I go .
29 I expect most of my wheat will be destroyed in this rain . ’
30 My discussion will be divided between this chapter and Chapter 4 .
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