Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun] all the time " in BNC.

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1 No I could n't my money all the time .
2 It 's been round my neck all the time .
3 I live it over in my mind all the time .
4 you did touch earlier on about welcoming which is at the forefront of my mind all the time .
5 With the reservations that I have erm I 'm I 'm gon na have at the back of my mind all the time .
6 I had Brett 's gun in my purse all the time I was sitting by him … just in case . ’
7 My feet had grown and the man said my shoes were too small so now I 'm going to wear my sandals all the time .
8 It feels , feels it , I feel as if I 've got something in my eye all the time .
9 I do n't eat like my guests all the time .
10 ‘ Everyone picks on me and , like Kevin , I get sent to my room all the time until I 'm ready to say sorry .
11 Because I am so kind of , you know I 've got ideas coming in and out of my head all the time .
12 Up two steps here — then right — then down seven steps , ducking my head all the time to avoid the slope of the ceiling …
13 maroon and erm , navy , which is what I like , and they are warm , and I like to wear my gloves all the time .
14 I used to approach my future like a loose cannon , but now I 'm really trying to do the best work I can because I think about my daughter all the time .
15 ‘ I get this image foisted on me — the musical chameleon , changing my style all the time .
16 It 's a funny thing — I cut my fingernails all the time , and every time I think to cut them , they need cutting .
17 And I used to see my dad all the time .
18 You know in in the hospital I could s see him in my face all the time .
19 ‘ That I can do very well , Señorita Shelley — I look after my abuelito all the time .
20 She wastes her money all the time on clothes .
21 ‘ My daughter is twenty-eight , you know , quite capable of looking after herself without her parents breathing down her neck all the time . ’
22 Furthermore the characters are aware of their losses all the time , and bear a burden of regret .
23 The bastard had been standing silently between her legs all the time : leering over her torment .
24 Sa , she her eyes are getting blacker every time and she she just seems to be in her books all the time , and everything now .
25 New actors need to try and widen their range all the time and in the same breath find a way of being commercially as well as artistically viable .
26 Also no school can please all its parents all the time .
27 They were both out for most of the time , and my mother was torn between relief that they were n't under her feet all the time and resentment that they were treating her house like an hotel .
28 ‘ I can vouch for it that nobody has moved from his or her desk all the time you 've been here , except for Nigel and he has not moved from his corner . ’
29 She did n't need to be on her guard all the time .
30 Figures went round and round in her head all the time now .
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