Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun] he [vb past] [be] " in BNC.

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1 To preserve her anonymity they had agreed on the pseudonym Vesta , and if at first he had thought a few days in the East End might dampen her enthusiasm he had been proved wrong .
2 He had wanted her himself so badly , and when he 'd heard of her wedding he had been insanely jealous .
3 I hoped for her sake he had been naturally left-handed .
4 Despite her entreaties he had been ‘ determined to go and go that day ’ .
5 Ever since her birth he had been ultra-anxious without expressing , even to himself alone , his reasons for this .
6 Tonight , one of Hadley 's victims described her anger towards him , and her relief he 'd been found guilty .
7 Like many other boys with India in his blood he had been forced into rootlessness by education .
8 No answer suggested itself , however , and after a minute or two he became aware that as these thoughts whirled through his mind he had been staring down at the grilles confining the Chinese coolie families .
9 Prior to his dismissal he had been widely regarded as Manley 's heir-apparent , and he had served as acting Prime Minister for several periods during Manley 's illness in 1990 .
10 But his attitude he 'd been taught to get on and do things so that he would be painting the back of the house or going on with his hobby or doing jobs on the car .
11 He did much hospital work : for several years up to his retirement he had been Chairman of the South West Regional Hospital Management Board and was an active hospital visitor .
12 Mr Robson had told his wife he had been scratched by a woman during a pub fight .
13 Like all his predecessors he had been ex officio Chairman , but this pattern of governance came to an end with him .
14 Only now did they realise how enormous a man he was , for when fighting with his staff he had been crouched with head forward and shoulders bent .
15 When they arrived , the Chinese had to inform him that in his absence he had been deposed by a military coup in Ghana .
16 He could not afford to make mistakes ; all his life he had been at pains to learn and understand how ordinary people live and had delved into the seamier side of human nature , but he was still very unworldly .
17 One young farmer , Shermani Yussef , said that for the first time in his life he had been forced to lease some of his land to cover his losses .
18 On the particular afternoon he decided to end his life he had been watching the marshalling of the fish vans from his office window .
19 All his life he had been afraid to ask about his back , and his terrible fear had made him ill .
20 Edward sat frozen , one of the few times in his life he had been genuinely frightened .
21 Since his youth he had been perceived as a likeable man .
22 The articles opened with the comprehensively damning statement that the king ‘ is not sufficient to govern ’ because throughout his reign he had been led and governed by others who had given him evil counsel , to the dishonour of himself and the destruction of Holy Church and his people , and he had refused to provide any remedy , or to allow one to be made , when he was asked to do so by the great and wise men of his realm .
23 All his childhood he had been frightened of his own shortcomings .
24 In his time he had been billed as the Sex Ton ( geddit ? ) ,
25 Because of his obedience he had been granted the gift of eternal life .
26 Flook was arrested after he told his mother he had been in an accident and she contacted the police .
27 Mr Clare told his son he had been saving the money he would have spent on his university education for him .
28 Then : ‘ Georges said Edouard told his colleagues he 'd been attacked in the street the night before by some youths he did n't know .
29 Throughout his lifetime he had been regarded as an excellently scientific psychologist who had shown that the level of a child 's intelligence has little to do with the child 's home environment ; instead it is a product of the intelligences of the child 's parents .
30 AN elderly man told his family he had been thrown out of hospital just two days before he died .
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