Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun] and [pron] in " in BNC.

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1 Jumbo rollers in my hair and nothing in my
2 ‘ I have been living in a bed and breakfast for the past 15 months with my kids and me in the one room .
3 And the Punch cartoon depicting BRITISH LIPMAN on the side of a Telecom van , and the newspaper hoarding which stopped my daughter and me in our tracks after a visit to the acupuncturist in Baker Street .
4 They had removed my house and everything in it , ’ he said .
5 her conservatory and one in her
6 At the front of Laura 's mind constantly was the realization that these shops bore her name and everything in them must therefore reflect what she stood for .
7 She regularly bent Minton 's ear with her problems and he in turn as regularly did take-offs of her doing this .
8 A big crowd of peasants had gathered-around the slimy village pond to wash their clothes and themselves in the gray , brackish water .
9 Instead of finding students impossible to put up with , he appears to enjoy their company and they in turn appreciate him .
10 He gave the union leaders the opportunity to tell him in a forthright manner where they thought he was going wrong with his policies and he in turn did some pretty plain talking about what he saw as their shortcomings .
11 He said : ‘ The priest is rather drastic in his actions and we in LIFE do not go along with it . ’
12 ‘ Despite the variation in language of the various judges , the principle of Donoghue v. Stevenson [ [ 1932 ] A.C. 562 ] as appears from the examination of these authorities imposes tortious liability on a person who performs some careless act which may injure any person whom he should reasonably have had in contemplation as being likely to be injured in consequence of his carelessness and who in fact is injured by his careless act .
13 She then teaches him to organize his toiletries and himself in the same way as she would in the hospital setting .
14 Most film crews want as little to do with their subjects as possible , yet the Ashleys immediately-became involved in our lives and we in theirs .
15 Then , if things go wrong , you 'll have nothing on your conscience and everything in the world to reproach me with . ’
16 You know this whole of idea of things and ritual being the holy and that things in the ritual there yes , there are sacred symbols and they need to be handled in that , that , that sense of sacredness , but the that which makes them sacred is the person , our Lord and us in communion with him and with each other and it seems to me that wherever that happens there is sacrament .
17 Have you , er er have you taken all your papers and your drawings and everything in ?
18 He looked up at the house , at your mother and me in the doorway .
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