Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun] [not/n't] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 In his professional opinion this was overreaction on my part , and he was extremely inconvenienced by my insistence not to be examined internally by him .
2 This sympathy ( and attention ) hardened my resolve not to be put upon .
3 The Nagorny Karabakh Supreme Soviet presidium on July 1 reversed its decision not to be represented at the Rome negotiations [ see p. 38975 ] .
4 So give her reasons not to be naughty .
5 The Palestinians , many of whom are desperate as a result of roots in the poverty of the refugee camps , hold few cards other than their determination not to be subdued and the ‘ armed struggle ’ through which this determination is sometimes expressed ; what they seek is recognition of some form of statehood on Palestinian soil .
6 The noisy exchanges in the House of Commons and her determination not to be shouted down by the opposition make her sound hectoring and strident .
7 In the sphere of education , the Act applies to direct and indirect discrimination ( defined at page 70 ) or victimisation ( treating someone less favourably because they are asserting their right not to be discriminated against ) by schools and LEAs in a variety of contexts .
8 It is the right of slaves to be free , their right not to be treated as another 's property , their right not to be used as a mere means to another 's end — it is these basic moral rights that a system of chattel slavery systematically violates , not the principle that we must count equal interests equally .
9 It is the right of slaves to be free , their right not to be treated as another 's property , their right not to be used as a mere means to another 's end — it is these basic moral rights that a system of chattel slavery systematically violates , not the principle that we must count equal interests equally .
10 It takes its cue from other kinds of liberation , and rests the call for Animal Liberation on the recognition of the rights of nonhuman animals , including in particular their right not to be treated as mere means to human ends .
11 She intended to plead her own nervousness and her desire not to be destined for public exhibition and planned to finish by thanking him for the compliment of his request and wishing him well in finding a more practised model .
12 The poet 's wife tried to avoid going , by saying that it was late for the child and that she would have expected her husband not to be curious .
13 In fact she had been approached by wealthier men than Jonas , whose interests in her were sometimes honourable but mostly not , and she had a realistic enough sense of her attraction not to be ruffled by anything her cousin could say .
14 ‘ You should have told me about Mrs Richards ’ heart condition — and about her request not to be moved from Monte Samana .
15 She asked for her name not to be used because she wanted to protect her relationship with regular callers .
16 For children in primary and secondary schools , the issue has been how to make the national curriculum sufficiently flexible to accommodate children with special educational needs , while safeguarding their rights not to be excluded from mainstream education .
17 These days of wonder , she felt graciously pleased with her life ; keeping her self-promise not to be heavy with Lucy , thinking herself under the skin and into the mind of the woman she loved .
18 anti-hunt people , the League of Cruel Sports and all sorts of other organisations that have actually asked their members not to be here today , not to cause a problem , not to divert attention from the real issues in the debate er er and cause a crisis outside for all the press and the media to latch on to , that 's not what they were about .
19 The first Not the Nine O' Clock News series had a sketch about Python worshippers but that team , while itself worshipping Python , went out of its way not to be derivative , eschewing silly voices , dressing in drag and what they later realised to be a misogynist trait in Python .
20 Clare 's divorce petition would not be heard until July ; she had been warned by her solicitor not to be seen alone with a man right now , or it might affect her petition and the custody of her son .
21 A year later , however , he warned his president not to be misled by Wilson 's apparent reluctance to stay East of Suez .
22 Innocent III instructed his court not to be importunate over gifts and he attempted to introduce fixed chancery charges , but the gratuities expected by officials were a part of normal life and these the pope could not control .
23 DAVE BASSETT is warning his players not to be caught out by TV 's all-seeing eye tomorrow .
24 And Arsenal manager George Graham last night warned his men not to be taken in by Leeds ' run of seven games without a win , saying : ‘ This is going to be the most open Championship race for years and I 'm taking no notice of people who are writing off Leeds .
25 ‘ I have just received your Portfolio of MS drawings quite safely , ’ wrote the former to the latter in January 1844 ; ‘ I quite agree with you that they are not to be compared in finish with Lear 's , though generally accurate , but then Lear was a Man both for manners in Society & Skill in his Profession not to be easily found or replaced . ’
26 It 's part of our thinking not to be on an emotional roller coaster , ’ said Rod Davis , the New Zealand skipper .
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