Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun] [vb base] [be] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I have a Crown Court appearance in Birmingham and as far as I 'm aware my solicitors have been in contact with the prosecution in this part of the country to explain the procedure and as far as I 'm aware the committal this morning was to be committed to Birmingham Crown Court with other offenses .
2 I have a Crown Court appearance in Birmingham and as far as I 'm aware my solicitors have been in contact with the prosecution in this part of the country to explain the procedure and as far as I 'm aware the committal this morning was to be committed to Birmingham Crown Court with other offences .
3 You know what my reasons have been in the past : I just do n't want to provoke interest in myself .
4 Nigel said , ‘ My whistles have been in use on a number of locomotives on different railways .
5 Cos my feet have been in them now , can you put these like that ?
6 A lot of my downfalls have been over Christmas .
7 Friend the Minister for Trade on this subject and my officials have been in touch with his Department concerning comments that were made in Committee .
8 ‘ The constant worry all my staff have is of being transferred . ’
9 There was often a special pride that the family were ‘ all in the trade ; ’ ‘ all my people have been in the dealing world ; ’ ‘ we 've been blacksmiths for generations ; ’ or they had been self-employed Portland quarrymen ‘ right back a hundred year back . ’
10 The best moments of my life have been with music . ’
11 Who will lose his legs — ‘ And sleep without his girl — ‘ ‘ My family have been through all this already .
12 As I said , everyone has to go there and a list of Swifts as long as my arm have been to it and now it 's your turn . ’
13 The team have n't won since the opening day against Portsmouth … as for Bristol City both have their wins have been at home
14 Their opponents have been through the mangle recently , going out of two cup competitions courtesy of Bangor and seeing their lead at the top of the table cut to a slender one point .
15 The chances that he will get them out of a mire of their own making are as thin as their performances have been for most of the season .
16 I think that one important strand in the rejection of feminism by many women has been a feeling that feminists are saying that their lives have been of no value , and that their activities and concerns have been trivial .
17 The kids know that their parents have been in a car crash , of course .
18 Impressive as its successes have been in such matters as the unravelling of the genetic code , nevertheless they represent only an infinitesimal step towards a complete account in conventional physical terms of even the simplest animal brain .
19 Dave Punshon , Age Concern 's chief officer , recently expressed fears that the scheme would have to close and its staff have been under redundancy notice since Christmas to finish on March 31 .
20 For us the fertilizer business has been a good business , in many parts of the world over many years , and even its downturns have been of fairly limited duration .
21 Its schools are set in green-lawned campuses , and for years its teachers have been among the highest-paid in Texas .
22 Asking mothers to discuss whether or not their babies notice being on their own generated unfamiliar varieties of parental attitudes to children being left alone ( for instance , to sleep in the day ) or a report of the amount of time infants are likely to spend alone .
23 Most of his meetings have been at Cadwell , a 150 mile round trip from his home .
24 His sons have been to every place and farm along the Tummel .
25 Victory : The only valuables the Vampire and his minion have are on their persons ( see their profiles ) .
26 By the test of later reflection his idea of explanation was confused and his findings have been at least modified by the theory of relativity .
27 What can the ‘ second-class ’ discussions of his Cabinets have been like ?
28 Although many of his lyrics have been in the sexist style known as slackness ( ironically , incredibly popular amongst women in Jamaica ) Shabba has also rhymed on cultural if not overtly political topics .
29 If we do , we now have a model and can say that he and his family have been through it and have borne it with great fortitude , resilience and courage — as has been said , only through their deep religious faith — and that that has been a great lesson to us all .
30 We now have our own ducks and they have nested and hatched their eggs , and a male moorhen and his family have been in residence for a couple of years .
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