Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun] [vb pp] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 But my heart dipped at the thought .
2 I had my heart set on a soft-top — preferably a Corvette or a Mustang — and I was n't going to let a spot of bracing weather stand in my way .
3 And my heart returned to a human being 's heart beat rate in — oh , just a few days , give or take a month or two .
4 ‘ When I walked away from the Great Rebellion , my heart bled with the pity and the waste and the anguish of it .
5 I was awful , in those days I was into acid green sleeks and I had my hair cut in a triangle When I saw Auntie Muriel I thought , if that 's the way you end up , working on a farm , I 'll stay at home and become an underresourced juvenile But it was n't up to me .
6 Q I am getting married in the spring and am planning to have my hair permed nearer the time when it is longer .
7 A bath was quickly prepared and , after being thoroughly scrubbed , had to suffer the indignity of having my hair cleaned with a nit comb — a most painful operation .
8 I will make my views known to the world community and to UNESCO ’ .
9 My case packed for an emergency is in that cupboard over there .
10 On the way down I had my camera tied to my waist and it started to drop ; in trying to grab it I lost my balance , got my foot caught in the tree root , took a tumble and twisted my ankle .
11 I 've got my foot trapped under a lump of concrete ! ’
12 They were having an intense and appropriately heated discussion on the problems of cold-spots ( as evinced by the fact that their first attempts came out looking like braille roundels ) , and on the unfortunate instability of three poppadoms balanced together — caused not so much by the jerk they received when the turntable started up as by their movements while they cooked and swelled — but eventually my flatmates settled on the concept of standing the things up individually on the glass turntable , and so instigated what they termed a ‘ brainstorming session ’ in an attempt to find a suitable support mechanism .
13 It was a battle of weight versus cost , a battle which , to my husband 's dismay , I usually lost and we would have to pay over the odds to have my cases stowed in the hold of the Jumbo .
14 I left my cases parked on the quay , and made my way into the post office .
15 My dad was a coach builder and my mum worked at the gas board .
16 I grab the butt , with my fingers curled around the reel seating , and strike .
17 I have not , but my sister worked in a hotel there for a time — that is where they met — and she says it is very remarkable . ’
18 Had my talents lain in a completely different direction — say stonemasonry , or cooking , then I 'd have been equally happy to make those my career .
19 It hung from my neck secured by a length of dressing-gown cord .
20 MY MIND returned to the man with the starched cuffs .
21 Her kiss at the cottage gate left my mind occupied during the long walk back to the farm .
22 The nurse at my side begged with a vomit bowl , and I donated with gusto , body trembling violently , teeth tight clenched to stop them chattering .
23 My mind blanked on alternate minutes , my heartbangs sounded like the 4.30 at Epsom , and my mouth felt like cat-litter .
24 Gustave did n't understand this , could n't see that my talent depended on the swift moment , the sudden feeling , the unexpected meeting : on life , that 's what I 'm saying .
25 With hindsight , she says : ‘ I wished I 'd kept my mouth shut in the first three weeks .
26 My back ached , my bum was sore and my mouth caked with the rich tang of the wine .
27 ‘ Normally my designs run towards the more avant-garde . ’
28 As my car moved through the area announcing ‘ Meet shadow chancellor John Smith as he explains Labour 's policy on fiscal and monetary reform , ’ I noticed that the town was not as crowded as I remembered it from only that morning .
29 In the shadow of the bus , a vulture wheeling overhead , I kept my eyes fixed on the bush behind us .
30 I sat , dozed , slurped from the wineskin , said a few prayers and kept my eyes fastened on the Lady Chapel .
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