Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun] [prep] [noun] will " in BNC.

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1 As long as warm blood flows in my body and I am fit to remember , my experience of Fiona will never be lost .
2 He said : ‘ My vote in Synod will be cast after careful consideration , but it is public knowledge that I 'm inclined to support the ordination of women to the priesthood . ’
3 But my rivalry with Tuffers will be purely professional because there is no personal animosity between us .
4 And with Louis concentrating on the other competitors , there 's a good chance my meeting in Athens will go completely unnoticed . ’
5 The £500 deposit would hardly pay for the barristers ' lunches at the public inquiry , whereas my standing for Parliament will concentrate the other candidates ' minds solidly on the issue and emphasise the public 's outrage at National Grid plc 's proposals .
6 I mean my , all my efforts after Christmas will be to get rid of these card debts .
7 Certainly my use of PageMaker will now increase , although at the expense of products such as Ready , Set , Go ! rather than Ventura .
8 We ALL want the team to do well and , although results are going against us at present , I feel my policy of rebuilding will , in the long term , bring us success .
9 My address in Shanghai will be Visiting Expert in English Language , Foreign Language Institute , Shanghai .
10 She said : ‘ Even though I 've received compensation , my memory of pin-down will never be erased . ’
11 I pray that my colleagues in government will see the sense of now taking the pressure off British interest rates .
12 For many pupils their experience in school will have been mainly or solely with metric units and their out of school experience mainly with Imperial units .
13 Because of the voluntarism of the Irish system of Industrial Relations workers must have trust , faith and hope that the bodies to which they refer their cases for adjudication will give them a fair crack of the whip .
14 One of the consequences of the new structure is that , as and when the management of a subsidiary company becomes the responsibility of an operating division , its Board of Directors will thereafter only need to hold meetings to deal with any formal requirements prior to their company becoming dormant .
15 A middle school in Beijing admired for its teaching of English will admit a dunce for the equivalent of $1,750 .
16 Janice said ‘ Basically it means deferring any dismantling of the irradiated or contaminated plant until 35 years after station closure , so that when the time comes for removal , its level of activity will have diminished further , the dose rate for staff involved in dismantling will be much reduced .
17 Men like Murrells and Browne , and Major Clarence Buxton in Kenya , were celebrated as much for the influence they supposedly wielded over the Masai as for their partiality for them-'Murrells will keep situation under control' .
18 Some of her married friends will still invite her to their homes , but her ties with others will be weakened .
19 MUMS dreading the prospect of talking to their teenagers about adolescence will be relieved to know help is at hand in the form of the ‘ Tampax Teen Talk Line ’ .
20 They may think that their jobs will be less secure , that they might lose the independence that they previously enjoyed , that their relationships with others will change for the worse and they might lose status , they may think the change unnecessary and they may simply fear change in itself .
21 The future of the museum and art gallery wo n't be decided for some time , but if it does win through , its battle for survival will become part of the history of the town itself .
22 While this will only apply to criminal proceedings , child protection agencies using video recordings in their work with children will be expected to adopt the standards set in the Code of Practice where appropriate .
23 Interviews with teachers combined with observation of their work in classrooms will be used to explore differences in all three of these aspects as they affect both professional attitudes and practice in the two countries .
24 Ellen , together with thousands of her comrades from SWAPO will soon be inside the country campaigning for the elections , and come independence will be leading the long hard struggle of reconstructing their country after decades of one of the most brutal colonial occupations .
25 Those in : ( 30 ) an eager student a poor liar a lousy saint ( with the latter having here its informal sense of imperfect ) are perhaps best considered as ordinary ascriptives which happen to be relativistic adjectives , so that their range of interpretation will vary according to the type of thing assumed to be described .
26 We shall not ask the committee to raise it , but with or without its help , and its help of course will be welcome , we shall find roughly in its neighbourhood either one new group to commit itself to raise £1,000 ( or two new groups to raise £500 each ) .
27 Her chat up line will be ( if she 's single . )
28 Their fall from grace will be meteoric .
29 Her return to action will prove to be a major attraction at Bo'ness where the SRPS are also investing in a new visitor trail facility .
30 It is potty and ridiculous to suggest that stopping people spraying their armpits with deodorants will have an effect on issues of that scale .
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