Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun] [prep] [noun] [det] " in BNC.

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1 No , what blew against my ankles like tumbleweed that afternoon was not the crinkle of Mumm NV but the discarded skin of my former being , my beetle carapace , my sloughed and umber appurtenances .
2 Help restore my faith in women All letters answered Photo appreciated .
3 I can not include any Psalm among the certain contemporary documents , because I confess my inability to date any Psalm securely in the Maccabean period .
4 In order to avoid a major rebellion , Father eventually gave in and lugged my piece of wood all the way to Berwickshire .
5 I am afraid to talk , afraid to open my mouth in case all the dammed-up love words that I am feeling flood out of it .
6 ‘ I found this on my return from America this morning ; it was followed by a phone call from my sister — a very emotional phone call , I might add — and I came here at once . ’
7 She said : ‘ Everybody else says they are very pleased to be here in fact I am very relieved to be here because another TV station was at my home in Dumfriesshire this morning to try to speak to me and I am thankfully in London so I missed them . ’
8 ‘ I expected to see the prince my husband at Mass this morning , my lady , she said .
9 ‘ Friday : Anyone who saw my appearance on Wogan that week could be forgiven for thinking I was serenely confident , chic-ly gowned and nicely made-up .
10 ‘ I 've had to be a good liar myself to keep my head above water all this time .
11 I first met Mr. Docherty , a 32-year-old man who originates from the Hemsworth area , while canvassing in a local government by-election in my constituency during March this year .
12 ‘ We were all very shocked — I told my partners at prayers this morning .
13 I bought the house in 1983 with the assistance of two loans , £30,000 from Halifax and £10,000 from Standard Life , supported by four Standard Life endowment policies on my life at £10,000 each .
14 Chester so churned my stomach at breakfast this morning I could not face my sausage , egg and Guinness .
15 On my way to conference this morning , I went in and bought a packet of eight tampons .
16 ‘ I 'm going to be absolutely up to my eyebrows in work this week-end .
17 Le I let you take my dinner in peace that 's why we did nay record our dinner .
18 But my spirits in Cuzco this second sojourn in the city had been mercurial to say the least .
19 I could n't afford my house in London any more , so I decided to try to buy a house in the country .
20 It was n't the bomb in John Lewis that put my nerves on edge this year , even though I felt the echoing shudder of it .
21 ‘ I seem to spend most of my time at meetings these days . ’
22 No one sneers about her weakness for shoes these days .
23 1 on the ground , having been flown from their barracks in Omagh some twenty miles away .
24 The council has lost the opportunity to demonstrate that the Community can respond to a crisis and give its policies on fisheries some credibility .
25 By contrast , those who were involved in the new machinery of public credit which had been set up as a result of the financial revolution were doing remarkably well , through their investments in institutions such as the Bank of England and the New East India Company , and from the interest they received on loans to the government .
26 How Sun gets its resellers to toe this line remains to be seen .
27 For all their liveliness of style any of the above national dances seen in one ballet resemble those in another because choreographers such as Petipa , Bournonville and Saint-Léon utilised the same steps and ports de bras again and again .
28 Pro-Republican Catholics did express their opinions in newspapers such as the Leeds Citizen .
29 The presence of IBS in individuals has not been linked to their fibre intake and its presence in countries such as China makes it unlikely that a single dietary factor such as fibre deficiency is at fault .
30 Poorer households are known to spend a larger proportion of their income on essentials such as food and fuel for heating .
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