Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun] [conj] [verb] we " in BNC.

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1 It 's my toil as keeps us , and it wo n't stretch to your grandfather . ’
2 We and you shall be my hero and guide us in our life .
3 Through Abraham and Sarah the in our God and in I say his prayer and you shall be my hero and guide us in our life .
4 In all through my prayer and in God house I pray he guides me in my and carries me and you shall be my hero and guide us in our life .
5 I gently pushed him aside and walked in and he followed me around reading with great enthusiasm while I poured the contents of my shoes down the sink , removed my coat and made us both a hot drink , interjecting now and again with , ‘ Fancy that ! ’
6 A gust of wind throws rain against the window and shakes the frame ; it 's loud and surprising and I flinch but he just turns slowly and looks out into the darkness with what could almost be contempt before laughing and putting an arm round my shoulder and suggesting we have another drink .
7 Now what I want to do in this lecture is to finish off the er introductory part of my , of my remarks and take us up to the point where beginning at twelve o'clock the real part , the real er core of this course begins when we start to look at social theory .
8 He 'd find my family and kill us . ’
9 It has taken a long time to get justice but the compensation will give financial security to my family and give us sufficient breathing space to try and rebuild our lives .
10 It has taken a long time to get justice but the compensation will give financial security to my family and give us sufficient breathing space to try and rebuild our lives .
11 Though I warn you , ’ he gestured threateningly , ‘ do n't waste my time or engage us in meddlesome , wasteful tricks .
12 Nobody is absolutely able to put their hand on their heart and say we know we can get there . ’
13 Had they played the ball down th channels or to the corner flags , this would have turned their defence and let us regroup and play in their half .
14 Women in thick , serge dresses and wooden clogs gathered at the doors of their houses and watched us pass whilst half-naked children ran behind us , screaming in their patois for a sou or something to eat .
15 They should get off their backsides and let us see what they intend to do about it .
16 For our part , the only time our heart comes close to missing a beat is when Denice wedges the still-full carton of popcorn between her thighs and invites us to help ourselves whenever we feel like it .
17 Tod and I reclined on the wrung bedding as Irene advanced into the room , holding a tightly gripped paper tissue to her eyes and calling us a piece of shit .
18 they look out their window and see us you know
19 However , starting from civil society has the virtue of starting from how people do lead their lives and brings us up against questions about how social changes have transformed the range of possibilities available to them .
20 Our sincere thanks go to all the patients who have volunteered to share their experiences and allowed us to divulge intimate details about them , in the hope of helping others .
21 It was a wonderful experience , they entertained us at their home and took us to see some of Auckland 's wonderful sights .
22 From here on in she holds up her chin , flares her nostrils and treats us unreservedly with the sheer contempt that we deserve .
23 Those of us near enough to have observed this were by now climbing onto chairs and beds and squealing , ‘ It 's a mouse ! ’ , but Rosie continued her progression into bed , pulled the clothes up to her nose and regarded us all with mild astonishment .
24 The bamboo rungs , though wide and strong , were loosely lashed with unreliable cordage , and Lorne 's and my first simultaneous step onto the lowest rung resulted in it slipping its knots and depositing us both heavily in the mud — myself for the second time in less than twenty minutes .
25 Christine is continuing her collection and asks us to tell all knitters in the Crewe/Stoke-on-Trent area that two wool shops near you have offered to collect full or part cones in good , clean condition .
26 I really hope they can raise their game and get us back into the Premier Division .
27 The author is a past mistress of gushing praise to lull the reader into tabloid deification , then the quiet slipping in of neat doses of vitriol to tarnish her subject and titillate us .
28 ‘ She sends you her love and wants us to go over and stay with them . ’
29 And the seal waved a flipper as the lights rose like the curtains on an opera and said : ‘ See how Aurora casts her dice and rolls us red ?
30 ‘ The club gave us a presentation because they looked into their records and found we had been members the longest , ’ said Mrs Williams .
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