Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun] [conj] [verb] [that] " in BNC.

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1 I squeak my resistance and yank that particular limb away from the offending direction hoping that they wo n't do it again .
2 Martin thinks that this was probably an oversight on my part and suggests that a simple s.p.s.t. toggle switch should be incorporated in the positive supply from the 9V battery .
3 While I was on holiday the clinic tested a blood sample without my permission and established that it was HIV positive .
4 Then I went through the samples in my kitchen and realised that , rather than look at the non-mainstream areas , I could look at wines from perfectly accepted areas that broke the usual conventions ; or in one brilliant example , I could see what great traditional winemakers — in this case a pair of Burgundian grandees — could do when they decided to rough it a bit in France 's far south .
5 I opened them with my teeth and found that most had more flavour than the chicken .
6 I checked my watch and saw that it was Thursday .
7 I quicken my steps and pray that soon
8 I put my hands over my ears and prayed that the ringing would stop .
9 Crossing again to the fireplace , I gazed at it with awe , and had I been of a religious bent I would have fallen on my knees and prayed that the water would meet Nigel 's requirements so that on winter evenings , when we were doing our Darby and Joan bit , we could sit and worship the spirit of the fire , the hearth , the very essence of our home .
10 Old Charlie must have had a bit of a penchant for potholing judging by the amount of time he spent in every rock crevice north of Carlisle , but I prefer to suspend my scepticism and believe that the great man did indeed peel off his powdered wig and roll out a sleeping-bag in all the places that maps and local handouts would have us believe .
11 Eventually , I came to my senses and accepted that I was not fit enough to train like a 2:10 marathoner .
12 I once visited a pensioner in my village and mentioned that I occasionally like jam but never make it myself because I do not eat it often enough .
13 They did have a ‘ look at ’ Ken in Share My Lettuce and concluded that she was right .
14 Ladies often come to my classes and explain that they have been very good all week and yet had a binge just prior to the class !
15 Safety pundits will be pleased to note that I received my just desserts that evening , on unpacking my rucksack and discovering that the action had mashed a forgotten egg sandwich into my hat .
16 I would have to go to my constituency and say that I had been outbid by Tory Ministers , and that after complaining for all these years about their accruing power to themselves I had found that I had been wrong all the time .
17 Having looked at my passport , the Gendarme made a telephone call during which he turned to look at me , spelling out my name and saying that I was English and a former paratrooper .
18 Since I did love my father and regretted that our busy lives had separated us , the chance to look after him , to give back some of the love he had given me , was in many ways terrifically satisfying .
19 Before I moved to Sheffield in 1970 I had done my homework and knew that for a first visit to this corner of the Peak the venue had to be the last of these three crags .
20 The Advertising Standards Authority upheld my complaint and ruled that the advertisements should be amended to clarify the matter .
21 Nonetheless I must stand my ground and restate that not only did it happen then , but it is getting worse !
22 Until recently I should have rejected the premise that my earliest years represented some sort of attack upon my individuality and insisted that , on the contrary , I was surrounded with kindness and loving care — as indeed I was .
23 ‘ She thanked me for my courtesy and prophesied that one day I would play against Europe 's greatest prince in a game of hazard , and win .
24 ‘ When we stopped at traffic lights , Warren took hold of my hand and said that he was becoming more attached to me and asked me if I would like to go out for dinner the next day . ’
25 It would not have mattered so much if the experiments described all held water , but when ( as we were encouraged to do ) I put up my hand and ventured that one experiment was not consistent , the lecturer acknowledged that this was so in the particular I questioned , but said that the results were usually found to be as would have been expected .
26 A blind person remarked : ‘ If someone said to me ‘ You 'd better not do this placement ’ then I 'd rather walk to Australia on my hands than admit that I could n't . ’
27 If I am to do better than merely throw up my hands and assert that Alison Kraemer was in some indefinable way ‘ the real , right thing ’ , then I would suggest that the distinguishing characteristic of her ascendancy was the way she denied you any possibility of mitigating it .
28 And used to happen twice a year and erm sometimes somebody 'd remember my birthday or find that I had my birthday or and at Christmas time we used to get some money .
29 I became frustrated almost to screaming when I had finished a well-received and humorous story about the death of my grandfather and found that she was turned away in deep conversation with another woman .
30 I do what I do to the best of my ability and hope that people will hear about it and come and visit .
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