Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun] [adv] for [det] " in BNC.

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1 They used to say , well I try and get my er my legs up for half an hour in the afternoon , but that 'd be about as much as th they 'd get in the way of rest .
2 It seems increasingly likely that I really will undertake the expedition that has been preoccupying my imagination now for some days .
3 Now I must admit my first thoughts of it were it really gets my back up for some reason or other .
4 I know what I need , to put my head down for half an hour this afternoon I wo n't be fit for nothing the night .
5 We had a month , thought Jay , I 've worked my ass off for this exhibition and you 've done nothing .
6 Do I need my glasses on for this book ?
7 They keep a list of it and when overtime comes back , see I 'll have to make it up then , I 'd rather do that than re-arrange all my stuff just for that , I usually come in seven o'clock
8 Mm yes , well I think they sound like good targets , is , has anyone looked at their work and said I worked my socks off for that , I could not have improved it , I 've left that section blank so everybody thinks they could of improved that piece of work , good , that 's what this is all about , getting better .
9 I returned to Sheffield and Pam and did n't see Scotland or my Mom again for several years .
10 I 'll tell my mother off for this . ’
11 During training — or later , if I wanted to knock her weight down for any reason — she 'd have one day-old chick a day .
12 A woman who offers her body commonly for any lewd act for reward is a common prostitute .
13 It stood over her body protectively for several hours , unmoving .
14 and do n't forget first news of the football … on goals extra tomorrow teatime … our next sport takes us to Kingsholm in Gloucester and its curtain up for this week 's rugby review
15 Most of them have managed their own homes and catered for their families efficiently for many years , and even elderly men know a little more about cooking than their fathers did .
16 Er , and that 's one of the problems , is persuading good people to put their names forward for these jobs , and that 's how you present it .
17 And and the visits seem to be more popular , and often quite a few careers officers will put their names down for that .
18 The French employed troops and also aircraft to crush the rebels , yet they were unable to impose their control completely for several months .
19 She polished off her stuffed tomato , held her plate out for more .
20 Susan held her cup out for more coffee .
21 Like Nigel , Alan had retired early , and they had enlarged and modernized — quite beautifully — a cottage nearby which had been their holiday home for many years .
22 Drovers had pastured their herds here for many years but their customary right had vanished when Flemyng bought the ground and it was a daily vexation of Cameron 's to move the animals out from among his materials and even from inside the unfinished walls .
23 Jude put her arm out for some support other than Marlin , her fingers finding the wall .
24 erm has been has had his erm er his feelers out for all sorts of advertising .
25 He twirled his keys airily for all to see , gave Isambard 's body-squire an amiable good night , and giggled like a girl as soon as they were past .
26 Fool , he should have known that that was his one chance to strike , and make known his mettle , and assert his right once for all .
27 He spent a great deal of time in his efforts certainly for this trade union and in recruitment where he works , he 's made it not hundred percent , hundred and ten percent and is constantly , er , recruiting constantly recruiting .
28 His first triumph in Europe ramins the No 1 aim once he can keep his game together for all four rounds , instead of going off the rails at a crucial stage .
29 He had the singular good fortune not to die in the trenches , but the experience undermined his health severely for all that .
30 They did used to take away rights , which mainly why he 's put his application in for this relative
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