Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun] [prep] what [pron] " in BNC.

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1 And although she seems to disagree with its overall drift , she tells me she 's in complete accord with my views on what she called my ‘ blasted reconstruction ’ . ’
2 ‘ Because I listen to a lot of jazz and classical music and the others listen to harder stuff , I find it a challenge to try and incorporate my influences into what we do , ’ Adam enthuses , dropping in the expression ‘ be-bop hardcore ’ to pinpoint his guitar quirks .
3 I came away from the Oxford seminar with a clear idea in my mind about what I should do to stimulate discussion on this subject in Wales .
4 I would n't dream of putting my kids through what we went through . ’
5 I felt that what I was really talking about was my confusion over what I want , what I like and what I do n't like .
6 At first , I closed my ears to what I did not want to hear .
7 It was the sort of look between us which would have started alert interest in me if I 'd spotted it between others , and I thought I was hear to losing my grip on what I was supposed to be doing , and that I 'd better be more careful .
8 Rather I will draw out my criticisms of what I am calling ‘ theoretical reformism ’ to the point where the need for more radical approaches like Spender 's can be appreciated more clearly .
9 He also drew my Attention to what he claimed were certain impurities in the material of my Cupel .
10 On the supporters ' calls for his removal , he said : ‘ The supporters wo n't change my opinion of what I 'd like to do at Darlington .
11 I had seen Come Blow Your Horn and kept my eye on what he was up to , and I knew he was the right person for that part .
12 My sense of how to go on determined by the vividness of my imagination of what it will be like when done .
13 The following are my reflections on what I saw during my time in the Philippines of the efforts to build a Philippine health movement .
14 WHEN I read the opening words of your jazz columnist Solly Lipsitz on August 26 , ‘ As this will be my final Thursday column ’ , I felt that I should express my feelings at what I see as a matter which will be of deep concern to the entire jazz fraternity in Northern Ireland .
15 than my job then he said I presume you 've got mixed feelings , I said no my feelings are n't mixed up at all , I 'm quite , I 'm quite sure of my feelings of what I know , I said David I would n't associate myself , I would n't drink and I would n't go out with anybody in this building and he nearly fell over and he said dare I ask why ?
16 I 've been a soldier myself , I was a soldier a long long time ago and er er training was different in my day to what it is today .
17 I had a fixed image in my head of what I wanted to become , culled from history books and magazine articles in Paris Match .
18 ‘ Anyway , I thought I was entitled to my share of what he had , for from the time I 'd gone there five years before , I 'd pulled the business up out of nothing .
19 I 've been racking my brains for what I could have done , then it struck me .
20 Erm I 've been off work in excess of five years now er add my income has been very very small and whatever award I get will never go ahead and compensate me or my wife for what I 've been through .
21 Erm for what it 's worth , I 'll give you my suggestions about what we should do as far as ticket prices are concerned er , having taken in a view of the most important factor of the treasurer 's comments but also bearing in mind that we did have high recurring expenses this year , which wo n't apply in future and we 're not here to make money .
22 And I do that say that because I want you to be feel my commitment to what what we 're trying to do here .
23 Oh yes , yo you 're destroying my belief in what you were thinking about .
24 I could n't put my finger on what it was I disliked about him , yet now it seems plain as the nose on your face .
25 Another one was : killing him was breaking my word to what I believe .
26 I would have staked my life on what I called my ‘ gut feeling ’ that he was — and even in my mother 's terms — a thoroughly nice man .
27 My Lords , that concludes my analysis of what I perceive to be the important British cases but before seeking to draw conclusions therefrom I must refer to certain Commonwealth and American cases .
28 Erm er so far my list of what we 're going to do this week includes for Derek erm fi tracking down non-local copies of Yellow Pages by phoning people and hassling people who are about to go home .
29 Erm , if a couple decide to have children , they have children for life , it 's until they erm , get married and I really think we 're given too much of this me , me and my fulfilment of what you can be , and you forget that there 's two people there , or three people who are dependent on you .
30 My understanding of what what the panel said and what the what the Secretary of State agreed was that neither the panel nor the Secretary of State disagreed with the erm the general sense of the policy but felt that that sense was er embodied and and was able to be applied through the erm provisions of other policies in the plan at that time .
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