Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun] [prep] if [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Esther says of Mrs Jellyby : her voice impressed my fancy as if it had a sort of spectacles on too Ch 8 and of Mr Turveydrop :
2 I snapped my fingers as if I 'd forgotten something .
3 Going to sleep or opening a book : an old garden , a childish fear , a face seen casually and quickly forgotten , would take possession of my mind as if there had been no time between .
4 Seventy-five years later , whenever I feel the sun on my face , it springs as fresh in my mind as if it occurred yesterday .
5 Anyway , we 've finished all we can eat of this Cambozola , and the wine bottle is only good for sticking candles in , and we are still sitting on the carpet lit by one small lamp somewhere over in the corner , and she keeps filling in the pauses by staring into my eyes as if she 's checking I do n't wear false eyelashes , and I start to think it 's about time I got up off the floor .
6 I blew through my lips as if I was breathing fire .
7 I began to pat at my pockets as if I really meant it but the barman shook his head .
8 My hands dart indignantly about my desk as if they were offended mice , opening files , annotating minutes , picking up the receiver .
9 Then he let go of my sleeve as if he 'd confessed what it was he had to confess .
10 I 'll go back to London , I 'll move to a new district , I 'll start seeing Sophie on a regular basis , I 'll do my job as if I were any competent lawyer , and I 've come here alone , you bastard , so why do n't you do whatever you 've got in mind ?
11 He put his hand on my forehead as if I was running a fever .
12 He had the disconcerting habit of using my name as if he were addressing a butler or a chauffeur .
13 ‘ I lost a daughter and God knows I 'm going to hold on to my niece as if she was my own instead . ’
14 I asked why should I bother to do that when presumably if I had set the trap I would expect Harry 's car still to be there after the races , and he just wrote down my answer as if I 'd made a confession . ’
15 I stared stupidly at the bag in my hand as if it had just been dropped there from a helicopter .
16 The man checks my gun as if I 'd had the time and opportunity to fix the outcome , and then rather begrudgingly hands over a very full pair of red fake fur lips .
17 He grabs my wrist as if I was being arrested for shoplifting .
18 ‘ Oh Simon ! ’ he said , looking at my face as if he was trying to memorize it for some exam .
19 He stops beside the kerb and looks into my face as if he has seen something there he never saw before .
20 Staring into the mirror he saw a man gazing back at him ‘ with wrinkles on my forehead and lines on my face as if I were forty . ’
21 This afternoon you came to my office as if you were doing me a favour .
22 ‘ Of course I care , there 'd be nobody to sew my buttons on if you were dead . ’
23 He waved a dismissive hand in her direction as if she were an irritating fly .
24 Wing Commander the Duke of Hamilton replied : ‘ My instructions are to let it run its course as if I know nothing at all about it .
25 She was a little woman , not much taller than Carrie , but she seemed strong as a railway porter , carrying their cases as if they weighed nothing .
26 Although the majority of scientists tend to be a little coy about metaphysical matters in their professional publications , they are often less so outside when writing elsewhere , being prone to describe the framework of presuppositions about perception within which they conduct their investigations as if it were a discovery in its own right and that ‘ discovery ’ an explanation of perception .
27 Around his waist he wore a broad leather belt with a bone-handled knife clasped in a sheath and as usual in the presence of the coolies his right hand rested on its hilt as if it were a ceremonial sword .
28 Clutching her stick as if it were an offensive weapon , she made for the door .
29 ‘ He 'll be with fairground people , ’ said Mrs Flaherty , staring into her teacup as if she was reading the leaves .
30 The maid took the plate from her mistress as if it were hot .
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