Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun] [prep] [det] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I was told they know how to honour their dead in the Highland regiments but the next time I go to Edinburgh I will gaze up at Dad Tam , and see both of my sons in that solid likeness ( despite the Kitchener moustache ) .
2 Especially not when I 'd left my heart with this fantastic woman up in London . ’
3 I 'd like to have my hair about that long , about erm
4 and and that 's what I want done , my hair about that long erm
5 I outlined my views on both those subjects on 15 June 1990 in a 40-minute speech .
6 If you can identify it , ask yourself ‘ can I do anything to avoid or minimize my exposure to this external event in the future ? ’
7 ‘ I do n't know why I 've been dropped but I can only think it 's something to do with my run-ins with those high-profile managers .
8 Pushing my bike up those long hills and dry valleys gave me an intimate understanding of the nature of the chalk landscape .
9 My experience over this past year has been of closed doors .
10 ( Not my experience in several recent trips into Aberystwyth — KWL )
11 I published the results in a book called Manwatching and for twenty years continued my investigations into that bizarre species Homo sapiens .
12 My excuse for this lengthy and amateur digression into history is that I have been trying to show how I think geology got into the hands of the theoreticians who were conditioned by the social and political history of their day more than by observations in the field .
13 ‘ The Queen Mother was always my favourite after that first invitation to play before her , ’ he said .
14 My notes on this marvellous issue are littered with amazed adjectives .
15 Have you come to scorn me , to poke holes in my skin with those rag-and-bone nails , or to console me , saying , Claudia , I know you , you are just as I am , you are a lonely dandelion , as I am .
16 I rest my decision on this broad approach .
17 I should be more particular in my description of this singular man .
18 ‘ Here , ’ he said ( or some such generous word ) : I grabbed the bag from him and got my fingers round some dried fruit and stuffed into my mouth .
19 ( They have ignored my existence to this very day . )
20 Suddenly I seemed to know why , to understood the reason for my presence in this small , forgotten chamber with its images of death .
21 ’ In my search of all other Federation data stores , it has become clear that the data on Ardakke has been tempered with .
22 ‘ I can phone from anywhere , and I 'll go mad if I have nothing to take my mind off that worthless brother-in-law of mine , but I 've changed my mind about the wall .
23 For instance , among the beliefs in virtue of which I claim to know that Napoleon was a great soldier there may be one which is false , but which is so insignificant that my justification for believing that Napoleon was a great soldier would survive my changing my mind on that particular point .
24 It was an interesting experience , both musically and personally ; it opened my mind to all that stuff , the poverty and everything .
25 I 'd love to GET MY MOUTH ROUND that GREAT BIG ONE !
26 I 'd love to GET MY MOUTH ROUND that GREAT BIG ONE !
27 ( The recently-renovated 1930s Mamounia gets my vote for most beautiful rooms anywhere ) .
28 I could have punished my whoremonger with some disgusting venereal complaint , but that would have been far too simple .
29 I ca n't take my eyes off this beautiful woman and as if sensing my gaze she hurries off to the adjoining room to get dressed .
30 ‘ I 've lost three pounds and I 'm back to my weight of all last season , 13 stone , although I will be even sharper if I come down another couple of pounds .
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