Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun] [prep] [noun sg] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I myself put my faith in diazepam I 've got gram diazepam which is very slight , very small dose and is enough just to stop you caring so much about whatever it is that 's really bugging you .
2 I have not changed my decision to disburden myself of the task .
3 One amusing thing was that after all my worry about dress it turned out I was the overdressed character for everyday he wore a different combination of tee shirt and jeans while I wore my neat school uniform .
4 And my sister in law who erm my eldest brother was a lot older than me .
5 On my computer at home I run most of my programs under Windows 3 .
6 The eldest , Thomas , was to have ‘ all my books in case he betake himself to the study and practice of physic ’ .
7 I ought to say , however , that I am in the habit of writing on any scientific topic which may arise , and have such excellent opportunities of getting the best scientific information , that I have no doubt I could please you on any subject connected with my department of science which you may suggest .
8 To keep my mind in check I decided to remember the journey here ( a cavernous train with wooden seats ) or the flight to Riga ( alarmingly , the roof leaked ) , but I could n't help falling into the mental free-form that this placed allowed .
9 During my term of office I hope to introduce all of you to the ‘ Team ’ who are the driving force behind the Society — Friends without whom I could not manage !
10 My multiple personality required multiple scripts , and from my study of graphology I tried to create individual scripts that conformed to the analyses of heavy down-strokes , ‘ pasty ’ loops and uncrossed ‘ ts ’ : I was especially interested in ‘ pasty ’ strokes , which are supposed to indicate a rich sexuality , and disconnected letters , indicative of ‘ inspiration ’ .
11 when I lost my weight with slimming we were try I was losing two pounds a week and I were n't starving , I was still drinking and it come off and I lost , I lost about I think it was about eighteen pounds , it was over a stone .
12 I allowed Thursday as my backstop in case I have n't got my eleven .
13 Just before I went on my first furlough after five years ' service , the Bishop of Rangoon , Norman Tubbs , called me and told me that on my return from furlough he wanted me to take over the training of the Burmese clergy .
14 With that she saw me off with an invitation to visit her the next day after school but that I was to tell my parents in case they were worried where I was .
15 Counselling was a completely new world to me and although in the past it had been suggested that to combat my periods of depression I might well think of having psychoanalysis , I am now glad I resisted .
16 Margaret Jones : ‘ I remember David asked me to get my dressmaker to taper his trousers and before long other members of his form were also getting me to taper their trousers , so I suppose in a way I was almost helping them to rebel against Mr Frampton . ’
17 Chairman , my point of order , my point of order I second and I reserve my remarks I was waiting to see if you called me last .
18 Surveys yeah , but I mean from your and my point of view we do n't sit here talking all the time , but when your father gets in then there 's talk
19 But from my point of view what mattered most was that it bordered Abyssinia , where I hoped one day to be posted .
20 ‘ From my point of view it was like a child climbing up on a wall to look in but she rushed back and said : ‘ No , I ca n't do it , ’ and started crying in my arms .
21 From my point of view it was a complete success — fun , interesting and the chance for me to meet someone whom I 'd admired from afar since I was 14 years old .
22 Because from my point of view it 's still a total flop .
23 Well from my point of view it is , it might not be from yours .
24 So from my point of view it 's very important to have contact with head teachers and to talk with them about these things , and to create a situation in which they can talk to each other .
25 Now unless anybody 's got a burning desire to pursue the question which I posed at two o'clock , and from my point of view I think we tested it to destruction .
26 I mean , from my point of view I do n't think he 's ever
27 From my point of view I have achieved quite a lot of those , I am very punctual and helpful .
28 he said and in all my years of surgery I 've done a hundred and odd drainages and that is the biggest
29 One woman who sleeps apart from her husband said : ‘ When he comes into my room at night I feel like a girl of 18 . ’
30 I have n't told my husband in case he decides to up his score .
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