Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun] [noun] [adv] in " in BNC.

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1 Towards the end of my Baghdad tour I had regular tussles with the group captain in friendly games of tennis , but I was never able to take a set off him , which never surprised me since he was more or less the permanent Inter-Services Tennis Champion in the UK , ( Oddly enough , Jackie Hunter was my station commander early in the war and saved me from the wrath of my Air Officer Commanding — " Maori " Coningham — when I brought my bombs back when everyone else had " found the target " , but this was before the days of the night camera . )
2 Except of course , I er , I , I could n't read my road map there in , in Brussels .
3 As I explained earlier , I nearly threw my oil pastels away in frustration , but I thought I would give them another try with a different approach .
4 Instead I 'll describe my hotel room here in Marseille which , although large , is really quite featureless .
5 From the bathroom I took a battery-operated razor , the toothpaste and a new toothbrush from my emergency supply still in their Sainsbury wrappers .
6 I passed my driving test just in time for the holidays .
7 Actually some friends of mine were quite confused about what , why they should n't be able to throw their cooking oil away in their bin .
8 Emerson 's closest rivals for the title , Philip Young and Garth McCartney both retired their Sierra Cosworth early in the proceedings .
9 It is found experimentally , and can be shown theoretically , that any complex with a degenerate ( e or t ) set of orbitals which is occupied unsymmetrically ( i.e. neither entirely filled nor half-filled ) distorts its ligand environment spontaneously in such a way as to remove the degeneracy [ see Section 6.6.5 ] .
10 She looked out of her bedroom window just in time to see a dark figure leading Bathsheba 's horse and cart out of the field .
11 Their work features prominently in a new international encyclopedia of the revolution .
12 Anyhow I gave them some antibiotic powder to put in its drinking water just in case it had a mild infection and they went away happy and said they would tell their friends . ’
13 This policy has many advantages : It makes it possible to concentrate development and testing work on key points affecting safety , reliability , protection from radiation , and improved capacity ; Thanks to the large orders for identical equipment , the industry can anticipate its work load long in advance , equip itself accordingly , and schedule its fabrication work in the most economical manner ; Construction times are short ( now only five years for a 900-MWe unit ) because the working drawings are identical and a defective item of equipment can be replaced promptly ; And finally , standardisation makes it easier to train the operating personnel and reduces maintenance problems .
14 Hutchison Whampoa Ltd raised the equivalent of $580m in a placing to finance its expansion in China and its telecommunications operations here in the UK .
15 This project looks at a highly distinctive group — migrants from the French Caribbean islands of Martinique and Guadeloupe — who because of their French nationality ( the islands are departements d'outre mer ) and the organised nature of their migration share only in part the socio-economic characteristics of the foreign immigrant population .
16 Such obscurantism has badly damaged the NUT , which has seen its membership fall steadily in the past few years , while the more moderate AMMA 's has gone up .
17 Due to her unexpected and hasty departure from England , Laura found that she 'd left her charge cards behind in her apartment .
18 Italy and Switzerland electrified their main-line railways early in this century , but the UK had to wait till the 1960s for electrification from London to north-west England , and the late 1980s to Yorkshire .
19 Adele duly did just that , fondly imagining that a lone fireman would come out to her East Street home in an anonymous van with the suitable cutting equipment .
20 Indeed , in many EC jurisdictions ( for example , the Netherlands ) there is no concept of trust or , therefore , of beneficial interests ; a person 's rights to shares held by another on their behalf rest only in contract and therefore a notification requirement based on beneficial ownership would not work .
21 During the siege Stamford had rung its church bells backwards in order to summon Royalist support and in response Cromwell threatened to raze the entire town .
22 The Council has an aggressive approach to the promotion of pedestrian safety through many of its works programmes particularly in the areas of Pelican Crossing , refuse island and dropped kerb provision .
23 Eager to take a role in Hyacinth 's drama , Martha sped ahead and found Nana resting on her porch , her church books still in her hands .
24 Sarah could have hugged her companion right there in the street .
25 It is likely that the lawyers will try to introduce their pension advisers early in the contract negotiations .
26 Feeling the pinch after Compaq Computer Corp 's recent price reductions , ZDS says it 's also working to bring its pricing policies more in line with its competition .
27 EFTA and Turkey began exploratory talks in June 1990 on a free trade agreement , presenting their draft proposals respectively in September and November 1990 .
28 Wood Group Industrial Controls completed its Sizewell contract early in the year and resumed its previous lower manpower levels .
29 Now mum Nicola , who is fed up with 20-month-old Jasmin saying ‘ ayup ’ , wants to move from her housing association home in Buckland , Portsmouth .
30 They used to believe that investing in big , publicly traded issues would keep their portfolios liquid even in a bear market .
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