Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun] [noun] [conj] have " in BNC.

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1 It has been tough going , finding out things about myself which were buried deep but with ministry from the leaders and looking to God for answers I believe he has healed not only my drug problem but has cleansed me from sin so that I feel clean .
2 I knew both of them very well from my Lincoln days and had agreed to lecture at this school .
3 I have one in my work room that has ten masts , allowing 20 colours to be on hand all the time .
4 with semi-skimmed milk that 's it , then I 'll have my lunch lunchtime and have my tea teatime
5 But this is my dwelling place and has been for nearly four months now .
6 It turned out that our candidate , who came to address us one evening , knew my Aunt Kit and had the greatest admiration for her , even though he also knew that the only reason why she had not been offered another , safer constituency after 1945 was that it had become too obvious she was unable to keep off the drink .
7 Up to a dozen viewers had heard my throwaway remarks and had assumed that the party at Frenchay really would be out in the street .
8 What sent me into a fear-filled frenzy was the news — hidden somewhere between a report on the seasonal suicide rate and an article on bogus Santas — that I had bought a ride-on fire engine for my baby son that had a dangerous fault and should be returned to the manufacturers immediately .
9 I collapse over my lamb chops and have to be put to bed .
10 I took out my street map and had a look .
11 The decision comes as an embarrassment to the Scottish Office , which once planned opting-out as a centrepiece of its schools policy but has had to veto both the Yes votes so far — favouring Labour-run local authorities over parents .
12 Cadbury had changed their labelling policy and had issued no warning to retailers .
13 A major problem the country has right now is an economic one ; the Soviet Union is pulling out a lot of its aid programmes and has obviously bankrolled the Country since nineteen seventy nine , so there 's a tremendous economic problem added to the er battles of the Khmer Rouge are causing the government to fight .
14 Thus , if an organisation chooses not to recognise its e-mail messages as having formal record status and its procedures accurately reflect this , then they would not be records and vice versa .
15 Not surprisingly they are now using Gore-Tex instead of Sympatex in their KSB range and have added the KSB 5 , a beefed up version of the Goret-Tex KSB 3 that will take a walking crampon .
16 Univel Inc has outgrown the offices it was leasing from its parent Novell and has moved to new premises in the neighbourhood also belonging to Novell .
17 She was knitting to cars as one single motif on her Silver Reed but had put the point cams on incorrectly and had one car in the middle and two half cars either side .
18 Whilst this might be true , for some years now invertebrate neurophysiologists ( by which is meant those who study invertebrates , not a special group of researchers without backbones ! ) , who used to speak of their pet organisms as having simple nervous systems , have rephrased their claim , and refer instead to them as having ‘ simple ’ nervous systems , the inverted commas being deliberately added as a recognition that the complexity of these systems is still many orders of magnitude higher than in the genuinely simple wiring that one might expect of a mere computer .
19 Their egg is an unusually large one for their body size and has a generous yolk .
20 Once this has been discussed and agreed by the client , the film goes back to the laboratory to be married to its sound track and to have its ‘ opticals ’ added and ‘ grading ’ of the print carried out .
21 It has extended its DMS course and has introduced a successful master 's degree programme ; as a result the number of staff it employs has doubled during the past ten years .
22 The students have reported useful insight from their self assessments and have been able to identify things they did well , problems , and how they could improve .
23 Barbara expected to pay something towards her court costs but had estimated £200 at the very most .
24 The Baderini Cardinal gave it its baroque facade and had its gardens laid out with descending terraces , fountains , a grassy-staged theatre , grottoes and a lemon house guarded by statues of antique giants .
25 Prior to its involvement in the ESSE/L Project , School G had already developed its library resources and had nurtured some significant resource-assisted curriculum initiatives .
26 Some of the children in our study felt desperately disappointed that they had not been adopted , and yet they did have a home which would continue to be available to them in their adult life and had found a kind of loving , though perhaps not the all-accepting , all-loving parent of their dreams .
27 $10,000,000 or more — about 3,600 companies — would either be taxed at a rate of 0.175 per cent of their capital base or have to pay a 3 per cent corporate tax surcharge , whichever was higher .
28 Furthermore most workers are understretched for much of their working lives and have spare capacity on which to call at later ages .
29 Finally and , since it is presented as a statement of fact , unobjectionably , it records that there ‘ has been an increasing desire among employees to control their working environment and to have a say in decisions which affect their working lives ’ .
30 The Superior Electoral Court ( TSE ) issued the results of a survey on Oct. 6 which claimed that 60 per cent of the 84,000,000 people legally obliged to vote had made a " mistake " with their ballot papers or had not voted .
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