Example sentences of "[vb mod] know that i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 My hon. Friend may know that I have made the views of the Government and of Members of Parliament well known to the Kenyan Government for a long time .
2 For you must know that I had a twin brother , as beautiful as the day , and gentle as a fawn , and wholesome as new bread and butter , whose company pleased me so much , as mine also pleased him , that we swore an oath never to marry but to live forever peacefully in the castle , and hunt and play together the livelong day .
3 You must know that I do . ’
4 And I 'd know that I 'd incurred that expense .
5 If I were experienced and sophisticated like Marise , he might get involved with me anyway , because he 'd know that I understood the game and would n't get hurt .
6 Er I mean , you will know that I wrote a book called No time for Ostriches in when I was on the back benches , in favour of work fare .
7 ‘ I 'm sorry to keep you waiting , ’ he went on , ‘ but those of you who have been here before will know that I like to say a few words to break the ice before we get down to the real business of the weekend .
8 ‘ Oh , ’ sighed Babushka , ‘ I am too late but I shall lay my black bread in the manager , then the Christ Child will know that I came .
9 Erm secondly , I 'm not a statistician , I am unable to comment about all the technicalities of the the various assumptions that go into things but some of the people sitting around this table will know that I 've been in Yorkshire and Humberside for quite some time .
10 Regular readers will know that I have been a fan of Stephen Coonts since I reviewed his first novel Flight of the Intruder ( now a major ( ? ) film , as they say , though I 'd make do with the book if I were you ) .
11 But once he is dead Emeth meets Aslan and falls at his feet in instinctive adoration , as in terror , ‘ for the Lion … will know that I have served Tash all my days and not him ’ .
12 Madam Chairman , you will know that I have written a number of letters .
13 All the members here will know that I have recently erm sent out a circular letter expressing my concern as to where the system does n't seem to be working properly and asking for your help and cooperation in giving me information on just exactly where it is falling down .
14 Southall said : ‘ Anyone who knows me will know that I do n't make rash statements .
15 On the substantive point , my hon. Friend will know that I agree with him , for I refused earlier this week to agree in Europe to the sort of laws that would have had the effect my hon. Friend sets out .
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