Example sentences of "[vb mod] even [vb infin] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Who knows , perhaps we 'll even see a miracle or two .
2 The Rev Hammer stands resplendent in battered hat , pleated hair and a grin so friendly he might even stand a chance of getting in the Camden Palace , and announces ‘ There 's two shcools of folk — the scholars with 27 different versions of the same sea shanty , and the get drunk/dance a lot/make free love … this is the lot I 'm interested in ! ’
3 The Rev Hammer stands resplendent in battered hat , pleated hair and a grin so friendly he might even stand a chance of getting in the Camden Palace , and announces ‘ There 's two shcools of folk — the scholars with 27 different versions of the same sea shanty , and the get drunk/dance a lot/make free love … this is the lot I 'm interested in ! ’
4 Perhaps Gwendoline might even drop a hint to Miss Potts about Elissia and Daryl putting the spider in the desk .
5 And he only exemplifies a much stronger theme in the work as a whole : the failure of the good , one might even say a sense of ‘ defeatism ’ .
6 Profits from the sales of patches or chewing gum might even provide a source of income , which could fund an antismoking counsellor .
7 Or you might even have a home visit from your midwife to recheck your blood pressure away from the crowded scene of a busy antenatal clinic .
8 I might even have a go at Muslim fundamentalists and have a copy of the Satanic Verses there . ’
9 Why , it was almost indecent — she might even have a kid .
10 We might even have a copy of it .
11 I 'll phone Anne , she thought suddenly , tell her what 's going on ; the sound of her voice will make me feel better — she might even have an idea .
12 He hinted that she might even receive an honour from the then Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher if she gave her support .
13 He might even find a way of turning it to his own advantage .
14 He might be more constructive if he cared to pick which items from that he agrees with , we might even find a measure of agreement on one or two of the issues , because they 're not all rubbish .
15 In some cases , you might even find a list of the apostles — and there would be Matthew .
16 ‘ He 's all right — he 'll get over it — might even enjoy a bit of free time — you ought to ask him to help you more , Mum . ’
17 Who knows , we might even get a chance to talk about product B. ’
18 Who knows I might even get a chance to try one of these days .
19 I might even get a couple of hours sleep before we reach London .
20 Hell , I might even get a lawyer .
21 We might even get a cuppa out of them ! ’
22 With a bit of luck she might even get a place on a flight that very day .
23 Might even get a lift off some blokes .
24 You could even cover a cone with macramé for a really exciting special flower holder .
25 One could even make a case for delaying it until the Club celebrates its Centenary Year 20 years hence .
26 He could even smell a packet of cigarettes hidden in a coat pocket several metres away !
27 A developer could go ahead without applying for planning permission , or could even ignore a refusal of permission .
28 One blind six-year-old could even steer a tricycle almost as skilfully as a sighted child .
29 And he was clean and tidy now , and civil , and could even crack a joke .
30 You could even use a polaroid camera , show them the photo , ask them to recreate that moment .
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