Example sentences of "[vb mod] also be think [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Those who do might also be thought to be insincere , but some policemen showed real regret and disappointment when they were unable to provide the service they felt they should , whether because of the nature of the call or because of unrealistic public expectations ( such as finding lost budgies , preventing sheep-worrying , or reconciling warring spouses and quarrelsome neighbours ) .
2 Transposons can also be thought of as parasites , although as yet we know little of the harm , or good , they may do to the host cell .
3 Pitch , of course , gets progressively softer as it is heated , and similarly , since the rocks of the mantle are also at high temperatures — the temperature in the earth increases downwards at a rate of about 30 degrees C per kilometre — they can also be thought of as being rather ‘ soft ’ .
4 What takes place between the I and the You is a human transaction which can also be thought of in terms of gesture .
5 What Irigaray describes as mimétisme can also be thought of as parody .
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