Example sentences of "[vb mod] have [vb pp] [prep] their " in BNC.

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1 They should have placed at their disposal Inigo Jones 's original designs for Whitehall Palace , ‘ which are of acknowledged beauty ’ .
2 Seb knew it was well past the time he and Carrie should have retired to their respective bedrooms , but he found the thought of mentioning bed vaguely embarrassing .
3 Perhaps they had thought that the first move should have come from their side .
4 The clubs should have stuck to their guns .
5 In making these pictorial representations people must have relied on their memories of past events , and so all three modes of time were involved .
6 Those expatriate Conservative voters in Singapore must have choked on their gin slings last week when they opened their copy of the Straits Times .
7 It had been a convenient fiction to smooth the path towards what he must have seen as their inevitable destiny in that great , soft bed .
8 Many waverers must have reached for their chequebooks and signed on with a green campaign organization after hearing the latest pronouncement assuring them that there really was something to worry about .
9 Syl had left and Robert gone to bed and the old school friends were talking as they must have talked in their manless dormitory : my mother careful , Lili dashing .
10 The Lloyds believe the valuers must have looked at their address , Haileywood Farm and mistaken it for Haileywood House next door , a mansion owned by Ian Paice , the drummer with the rock group , Deep Purple .
11 Very big and brave they must have looked in their new NATO camouflage suits , and absolutely dead they were when they were taken out of the vans .
12 The crowd is more responsive than in LA , strange considering everyone 's heart must have sunk into their trainers .
13 Souness is fixing me with the glare he reserves for the enemy , the look that countless midfield players must have known to their terror , a look that threatens to rupture my Achilles tendon , if I hover on a question too long .
14 Bonnie Prince Charlie had a price of thirty thousand pounds on his head when he was being ferried hither and yon across many isles and sea-lochs of the Hebrides , and yet , and yet — the people of the west , such as Flora Macdonald and Malcolm Macleod of Raasay , risked their lives for a man they must have known in their hearts was a lost cause .
15 Given the lacklustre contributions of some individuals at Stark 's Park , Burns must have wondered about their desire to step up a grade .
16 Even if we 're not gon na succeed it must have stuck in their throat that there was Jesus lying asleep .
17 The second movement of No. 3 is a wildly witty Rondo , which she occasionally played as an encore ; you can see why : the jaws of her audience must have dropped onto their collar studs at its combination of ding-bat humour and sheer difficulty .
18 I would have wished that the Liberal Democrats might have remained in their place , especially as their amendment is now before the House for debate .
19 It is a sober thought that had our colonial administrators studied early Roman Imperial history , instead of the gang warfare of the late Republic , a few useful ideas about the problems of subject people might have seeped into their thinking .
20 To her credit , whatever other social solecisms the inexperienced Peggy might have committed during their stay in Little Tuckett , she had never betrayed a confidence .
21 One would think that Sotheby 's might have learned from their oversight five months earlier , but they did n't have a clue again .
22 They usually consist of a small , leatherbound pocked-book containing page after page of diagrams drawn on gridded paper to show the heights and gradients of hills Edwardian cyclists might have encountered during their travels .
23 Had the Borough Council objected to the application for 60 housing units , then Pubmaster might have appealed against their decision to a Government inspector who might have overruled the Council .
24 An adequate knowledge of the existence , timing , and source of postcoital pills was shown by 52 ( 30% ) of the 171 patients who had recognised a potential contraceptive failure and 25 ( 12% ) of the 210 who had not used any contraception — that is , 77 ( 20% ) of the 381 patients who might have benefited from their use .
25 This might have resulted from their experience of two courses that had been run successfully during those hours .
26 SOUTH AFRICA 'S return to Test cricket after 22 years was marked by a match as tense and as fluctuating as any they could have played in their former life .
27 We had some young boys out there who could have gone into their shell , but they did n't and that pleased me . ’
28 I could have spit in their eyes ! ’
29 You could have walked on their heads on Saturday .
30 It accounts for the constant visits of the apostle to the Gentiles back to the Jerusalem church ( Acts 18:21 , 20:16 , 25:1 etc. ) , and his organisation of a great collection for their benefit , little though he could have approved of their theology ( Rom. 15:26 , I Cor. 16:1 , 2 Cor. 8:1ff ) .
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