Example sentences of "[vb mod] not be put [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Naturally , it must not be put on a square which is on the same row or file or diagonal as another piece .
2 This should not be put on a back burner .
3 The Queen , he said , should not be put off by any oddity of manner but could be assured that this was a man of great learning , deep human sympathy , and outstanding pastoral gifts .
4 Readers interested in social policy should not be put off by the disciplinary context of geography : in many respects present-day geography is the next-door neighbour of social policy studies .
5 Visitors should not be put off by the modern appearance of this roof , nor by the notice on the gate to the abbey field which indicates a slight trek back along the lane to Abbey Farm to pick up the key to view St Leonard 's Church , Kirkstead .
6 The constant updating of all media contacts should be of top priority and should not be put off and off until a spare moment arrives .
7 Researchers and students alike should not be put off , as Morton was not , by roads which seem to lead nowhere , or which seem dangerous to travel along .
8 She was still telling herself she should not be put out by a kiss from a youngster who did not realize what he was doing , and she tried to nod her golden head with an appropriate display of adult wisdom , as she said : ‘ Yes , you 're wasting your time .
9 Picton-Howell had worked hard for the project since the early days , and had kept her old job as London office administrator on Equal Opportunities grounds that the post should not be put out to competitive interview after capitalization .
10 Sometimes when it is really cold , and it rains heavily all day long , some of the horses that we normally stable overnight are kept in longer , and may not be put out in the paddock until the next day when the rain has stopped .
11 It would deal with wasteful prescribing and wide variations in performance to be found between one hospital and another , which could not be put down simply to lack of resources , he said .
12 At 19 of the locations , flames could not be put out easily , if at all , because of poor access to hoses .
13 Antonio Cellini would not be put off so easily .
14 Tim would not be put off .
15 She suspected that the good doctor might be laying it on a little thick , but she would not be put off , and said in her stiffest voice , ‘ Yes , I understand all that , and I am prepared to work hard , ’ and she added for good measure , ‘ You need not worry about followers .
16 But she would not be put down ; she would not .
17 Besides , they will not be put off because they know a bargain when they see one .
18 Midland is expected to put $100million of its debt portfolio into the scheme but it will not be putting up any new money .
19 We will not be putting down roots . ’
20 The truth is , that the clock can not be put back .
21 It was , presumably , drafted and engrossed by persons of reasonable educational standard , and the eccentricities ( to modern eyes ) in the orthography can not be put down to illiteracy .
22 Likes and dislikes can not be put down to pure genetic inheritance alone .
23 The Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change has constantly warned governments that the business of reducing carbon dioxide emissions ( by 60 per cent over the next two or three decades ) can not be put off any longer .
24 That stage can not be put off for ever .
25 It can not be put off .
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