Example sentences of "[vb mod] not [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But you must not build them on the graveyard .
2 First it must not lead us into a relativist position regarding Scripture as but one of many revelations of God .
3 The space must not contribute anything to the reaction or else modern physics is wrong in so many issues ( which it was at the time ) .
4 This means that countries must now accept products complaint with their own standards or the EC standards , but must not specify which until 1996 , when the EC standard shall be used throughout .
5 The basic fiduciary duties may be summarised as follows : ( 1 ) The " no conflict " rule : the fiduciary must not place himself in a position where his own interest conflicts with that of his [ customer ] , the beneficiary ; ( 2 ) The " no profit " rule : the fiduciary must not profit from his position at the expense of his [ customer ] ; ( 3 ) The undivided loyalty rule : a fiduciary owes undivided loyalty to his [ customer ] , the beneficiary , and therefore must not place himself in a position where his duty towards one [ customer ] conflicts with a duty that he owes to another [ customer ] .
6 The basic fiduciary duties may be summarised as follows : ( 1 ) The " no conflict " rule : the fiduciary must not place himself in a position where his own interest conflicts with that of his [ customer ] , the beneficiary ; ( 2 ) The " no profit " rule : the fiduciary must not profit from his position at the expense of his [ customer ] ; ( 3 ) The undivided loyalty rule : a fiduciary owes undivided loyalty to his [ customer ] , the beneficiary , and therefore must not place himself in a position where his duty towards one [ customer ] conflicts with a duty that he owes to another [ customer ] .
7 a duty of undivided loyalty — although the exact extent of this duty is uncertain , it may be argued that a conglomerate , when acting as a fiduciary , must not place itself in a position where its duty to one client conflicts with that of another client .
8 ‘ The fact that we have now been blessed with two little ones must not blind us to our obligations , nor cause us to lower our standards . ’
9 The self-authenticating nature of their experiences meant that neither of them was able to doubt them , yet the similarities must not blind us to certain differences .
10 ‘ Also , if you allow the dog to sit on your settee , then replace that settee with a new one you do n't want the dog to sit on , you must not expect it to suddenly understand why it can not sit there . ’
11 You must not reprimand her for doing as she was told . ’
12 But this kind of charm must not deflect us from what de Man is saying .
13 We must not blame him for this for he is a product of the evolution which used that very ruthlessness to make him just what he is , and what we all are at the beginning of our lives .
14 ‘ Now , sit in this chair next to me , ’ he said , and with a sudden change of tone and manner , said , ‘ You must not blame us for keeping up such high standards of public behaviour .
15 In spite of the fact that since the Clean Air Act of 1956 , pollution caused by smoke has been greatly reduced to the benefit of those who live in the cities , we must not fool ourselves into thinking that there is no longer any problem .
16 I remember mum saying that I must not let anyone near the suitcases or accept a parcel to take with me and post it when I got to our destination .
17 A consequence of this duty is that a fiduciary must make available to a [ customer ] all the information in his possession which is relevant to the [ customer 's ] affairs ; ( 4 ) The duty of confidentiality : a fiduciary must use information obtained in confidence from his [ customer ] , the beneficiary , for the benefit of the [ customer ] and must not use it for his own advantage or for the benefit of any other person .
18 ‘ True , we must not put them in more danger than is needful .
19 One of a director 's fiduciary duties of particular relevance in management buy-outs is that he must not put himself in a position where his duty to the company may conflict with his personal interest .
20 But given its setting , we must not allow ourselves to be blinded by Abraham 's bravery , nor , when we read of the resounding success of his venture , by his military prowess .
21 The National Council advised the Bristol conference of the League of 1935 : We must not allow ourselves to be diverted into activities definitely condemned by the Labour Party which will jeopardize our affiliation to and influence in the Party .
22 The SNP must not allow itself to be bullied by Labour in the stramash over the Commons vote .
23 Rocks , like gravel , must not release anything into the water — calcium is the biggest problem , as many rocks are made of it .
24 ‘ You must not reproach yourself at any time .
25 That is the one thing that really matters in the House and we must not undermine it in our negotiations .
26 When I came home late after working overtime they 'd say , ‘ she is not a good woman we must not keep her in our house . ’
27 In effect this meant accepting that the sociology of knowledge must not concern itself with the truth of knowledge being studied but analyse the ‘ norms of thinking ’ for the participants under study :
28 Is there any reason why I should not send you to prison for a very long time ’
29 We should not do it for our sex .
30 Even so , these cautionary comments should not dislodge us from the main point .
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