Example sentences of "[vb mod] be [vb pp] [was/were] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In the House of Lords on 30 January 1700 , when the Tory Archbishop of York , John Sharp , defended traditional Anglican doctrines of non-resistance and passive obedience , he made it clear that the authority which must be obeyed was the law of the land .
2 FREEDOM TO ROAM MUST BE GUARANTEED was the headline in the West Highland Free Press the following day .
3 In Siskina , the plaintiff 's major claim for compensation was not itself justiciable in England ; Lord Diplock pointed out that to argue in effect that it could be treated as justiciable because , if it were , an interlocutory injunction might be granted was a logical fallacy , petitio principii ( pulling oneself up by one 's own bootstraps ) .
4 I 'd promised my mother I 'd buy her some new central-heating , and the only time it could be fitted was the next week , so I needed to be home for Monday when the workmen came round .
5 The only type of receiver who could be appointed was a receiver of rates who has no control over assets and no management control which a receiver normally has .
6 In front of the refrigerator lay the shape of a man , but all that could be seen were the backs of the calves , and the pale , poignant soles of a pair of bare feet .
7 Like all long-term coughers he had developed a noise-reducing technique , and all that could be heard was a chuck-chuck-chuck sound that would go on for long minutes at a time , gradually winding down like a clockwork drummer until every scrap of air was squeezed out of his poor concrete lungs .
8 One foundation upon which the new studies could be built was the Humboldtian search for the geographical factors that limited the distribution of particular species .
9 The number of years over which loans could be repaid was a matter for each individual authority , subject to maxima laid down by the Government for given categories of assets .
10 In an era when numerous refuelling stops were still a necessity , any additional traffic that could be obtained was an advantage .
11 He had rightly abandoned them , since the only way that honour could be restored was the path he had chosen ; or rather , the path on to which he had been propelled .
12 The most vociferously opposed union maintains that all the problems could be solved were the government to remove the PTT from the financial tutelage of the finance ministry and give it an independent budget .
13 Prior to the passing of the SGSA what warranties could be implied was the subject only of case law .
14 Where annual rents were protected by custom , the only payment which could be varied was the entry fine payable by a new tenant , and one can see a decline in these comparable with those in payments for leases .
15 The digging and concealing of pits into which animals could be lured was an even greater mental triumph .
16 The representations which come from members of the public and others can not therefore be assumed in all cases to embody the approach which would be given were a a full understanding of the previous and proposed situations in the mind of those who made that proposal .
17 The Kodak laboratories of my eidesis were being dismantled ; soon all that would be left was an out-of-order passport-photo-booth , mouldering on an empty station platform .
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