Example sentences of "[vb mod] be [adj] of [det] " in BNC.

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1 We should be proud of that .
2 The G M B should be proud of this role , however politics and negotiations are all about compromise and not about head-on collisions and we try and avoid these as much as possible .
3 These widely differing national responses suggest that we should be wary of any attempt to explain the popularity of evolutionism in terms of the self-evident superiority of Darwin 's explanatory programme .
4 I should be glad of another death
5 It is important that members should be aware of all the issues involved — the matter is too important for the future of the Institute .
6 It 's something that everybody should be aware of all the time , and I do see a lot of guitarists who really let themselves down by just falling back and letting the obvious happen .
7 Even those with relatively short memories in either country should be aware of that .
8 They should be aware of any risks to which they may be exposed , or any relevant limitations inherent in the design or operating procedures , and of any implications for their conduct .
9 UNKN An unknown error has occurred — please consult your LIFESPAN Manager who should be aware of any known problems in LIFESPAN and how to avoid them .
10 QA FAIL , UNKNOWERR An unknown error has occurred — please consult your LIFESPAN Manager who should be aware of any known problems in LIFESPAN and how to avoid them .
11 UNKN An unknown error has occurred — please consult your LIFESPAN Manager who should be aware of any known problems in LIFESPAN and how to avoid them .
12 Following the Zeebrugge ferry disaster , the haulier should be aware of some of the heads of claim which might arise when such a terrible incident occurs .
13 As children grow there can be changes in their vision , and since screening tests may be infrequent , teachers should be aware of some of the physical signs and behaviours that may indicate that a child is having problems with sight .
14 It is encouraging that the primary visual areas of both rats and monkeys receive input from the lateral geniculate nucleus of the thalamus but we should be aware of some circularity here since one of the criteria used for saying that the lateral geniculate nuclei in the two groups are homologous is that they both project to primary visual cortex !
15 But there 's still , we still I mean er er you perhaps need to talk to Rob to see what he wants his input , it 's always been a bit airy fairy and there , there are sheets ! the choice is not the same but they should be aware of some of the implications if they choose to go down such and such a road .
16 You should be aware of this period and I recommend reading all four plays and also The Theatre of George Devine by Irving Wardle .
17 Fido 's owners should be aware of this and take steps to play him at his own game .
18 Two out of every five people with crab lice will have some other form of sexually transmitted disease , and both doctors and patients should be aware of this and be on the lookout for other signs and symptoms .
19 The patient should be aware of this , otherwise he is likely to turn to several members of staff to discuss his difficulties .
20 The ward staff should be aware of this problem and give extra support and supervision when necessary .
21 My experiences lead me to believe that the police can be racist and the British people should be aware of this .
22 The haulier should be aware of this possibility , especially in the context of insurance cover , where the obligation on him is to act in the utmost good faith when disclosing material facts on the proposal form .
23 The age at which total sight loss has taken place is also highly relevant to the way in which pupils interpret their environment and the teacher whose class they attend should be aware of this .
24 The important thing seems to be that teachers should be aware of this conflict and take some steps to resolve it , and this involves some kind of negotiation between teacher and pupils .
25 What I would tell them was , these are the side effects , they should be aware of this .
26 He could not say what he just thought , which was that she should be afraid of that place now .
27 News and information programmes should be free of all forms of discrimination and these programmes should be accessible free of charge to all .
28 Under the influence of researchers in America such as Paul Lazarsfeld ( 1901–70 ) , greater emphasis was put on the need for proof and on the importance of data being as objective as possible , i.e. that it should be free of any influence of the individual researcher who happened to collect it .
29 It was suggested that the type of work undertaken by the centres should be restricted but that they should be free of those rules of professional etiquette ( e.g. advertising and touting for business ) which would inhibit their work .
30 She had been so engrossed in Martha 's life that it had not even crossed her mind that she ( Maxine ) should be frightened of that great expanse of water .
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