Example sentences of "[vb mod] they be [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Should they be seen as the overall enforcers of the regulations , or should they merely be ombudsmen or watchdogs that only act on customer complaints ?
2 Should they be voting in their own interests , or should be they be voting out of their view of what is right , what is the good ?
3 And that is why , th with the government talking about , and they 're talking about authority why should they be looking for money from anywhere , when after all , the youth of today are the pensioners to , of tomorrow , and it 's only our duty to look after them .
4 Many look upon them as an opportunity to put training into practice , or as a means of getting their first introduction to the tasks that will face them should they be posted to Northern Ireland .
5 They pay in six per cent of their salary , why should they be debarred from saying that they own part of those funds .
6 Again , they need a proper descriptive and classificatory system , but this is not something that comes within the scope of this course , nor in my opinion should they be regarded as components of intonation .
7 I need to be advised on what to do with the existing indexing services — should they be integrated with BG-BASE fields or with the Library system ?
8 Should they be recorded at the original historical cost , or should they be recorded at the current replacement cost ?
9 Should they be recorded at the original historical cost , or should they be recorded at the current replacement cost ?
10 It is a wise precaution for them to carry conventional insulins and have a regimen organised should they be troubled by pump failure .
11 Tiles can be pushed right or left , but not up or down — should they be pushed into mid air , gravity takes affect and they fall .
12 I would hope that that would be the policy of Mr. Shamir 's Government should they be re-elected in June .
13 Nor should they be used on copper pipe as they will damage and distort it .
14 They need flat water to perform well and on no account should they be taken into waves , since , not only are they difficult to manoeuvre well , but they are also liable to snap because of their length .
15 I understand Wednesday manager Trevor Francis , who rebuffed Ferguson on the phone , has made it clear to his board that should they be seduced by a new United bid , he would consider his future at the club .
16 You say that Hatchetfish are not suitable for a beginner , nor should they be sold to someone who is setting up an aquarium for the first time .
17 The court heard there was a possible threat to their safety should they be released on bail .
18 In fact they can be seen as the difficulties that are faced with young people generally : how far should they be allowed ( encouraged ? ) to take risks and learn for themselves and how far should they be guided by those who ‘ know best ’ ?
19 Please can you tell me if this is the correct procedure for purchasing anemones and corals , or should they be bought with the rock they are attached to ?
20 Should they be returned to the wild ?
21 If they carry on working , it may be in a lower status occupation : should they be classified by this , or by their earlier main job ?
22 Should they be added in any order ?
23 Oh they might they 're coming for a swim now look .
24 Might they be rifling through her belongings ?
25 Jesus , what might they be doing to our star-shipping ?
26 What 'll they be doing at home now ?
27 How could they be tied to Hong Kong as a condition of receipt ?
28 They appear to have a stem : could they be related to the crinoids ?
29 With the benefit of hindsight er could the tornado programme have been made more efficient with the lessons that you 've learnt so far , er from er Eurofighter an and secondly , perhaps more difficult , er the lessons you have learned from tornado and certainly from the current project , could they be transferred to other complicated collaborative er project , programmes like cobra and ?
30 Could they be fitted with timing devices ? ’
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