Example sentences of "[vb mod] never be [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 This test should never be applied to silk rugs , as creasing can damage the fibres .
2 Points should never be worshipped to excess , and the unflagging zeal of bibliographical mudlarkers prodding for new ones should be mistrusted or at least treated with caution .
3 But somebody has been sent to prison , they are the sort of person who you would think of , should never be sent to prison , somebody who has diddled his firm out of a couple of thousand .
4 Tap proportioners should never be fitted to taps used to supply drinking or cooking water .
5 Mains-voltage cable should not be run on the surface of the ground and should never be attached to fences — as these can be easily blown down .
6 These jokes should never be told to your friends at Hallowe'en , on a dark and stormy night gathered round a roaring log effect electric heater , or at any other time for that matter .
7 These two terminals should never be allowed to short across , which might easily occur if you carry a PP3 in your pocket along with some coins or other batteries .
8 Bleached bodies lie beached in the full heat , revealing sights that should never be disclosed to the closest lover let alone half of Teesside .
9 Giving of yourself should never be linked to what you might hope to gain in return .
10 The elderly heart and spine should never be subjected to the tremendous effort required to move heavy furniture and equipment in order to clean under and behind them .
11 It is for this reason that any unused ‘ B ’ solution must never be returned to the original container , as it would then destabilise the contents which , in a sealed container without a vented cap , could cause the container to burst , and with a vented cap the solution would eventually become ineffective .
12 A judgment that could never be applied to either the Edgar Broughton Band or The Deviants , two fabulously freaky bands whose message was delivered with all the subtlety of a Molotov cocktail .
13 One privilege of his Gascon subjects was that the duchy could never be alienated to anyone except an eldest son — hence the outbreak of conflict under Richard II when John of Gaunt ( the king 's uncle ) was made duke of Aquitaine ( 1390–4 ) .
14 As a result , a system of confidential reporting to NASA came about whereby the person notifying NASA of the incident was required to give his name and a contact address but received a one hundred per cent guarantee that his name would never be revealed to the FAA .
15 At the time of Chamberlain 's appointment he had written to his mother : ‘ I am pretty certain that I shall be left where I am which is what I wanted , for the only promotion I should care about would be the Exchequer itself which would never be given to a minister of only two years ' experience .
16 Mr Ridley was trying then to scare councils into lower spending , and no doubt hoped his threats would never be put to the test .
17 The first was that Stirling had promised his men that they would never be subjected to the indecisions of the Commando days when operation after operation was planned and then cancelled at the last minute .
18 Many natural foods we have happily consumed for centuries would never be allowed to be sold in the shops today if they were subject to the same tests as modern drugs and edible substances .
19 The principle of continuity was a precondition for science ; we must have faith that we shall never be brought to confusion by inexplicable irregularities .
20 Tools can be used as weapons , Harry , but if you 'll promise these shall never be put to any purposes but those for which they were intended , you may work here whenever you wish .
21 We can exist and function well without love but , alone , we will never be put to the test , never be asked to grow in a certain way , never be stretched to the full .
22 " Madam Lundy will never be returning to Dublin .
23 But , as he admits , ‘ Putting them in a proper order is a matter that will never be settled to everyone 's satisfaction . ’
24 One mother said she believed their sons ' kidnappers will never be brought to justice because ‘ justice when imparted to the poor is only in the form of punishment ’ .
25 They now hope that Danish or British opposition will scuttle the Maastricht treaty , because they know that the economic austerity required by ‘ convergence ’ will be unpopular — and they , Italy 's least popular politicians , will never be returned to power .
26 If we limit the forum for debate on important issues , such as T S S or for instance , racist attacks , to Congress , then many section delegates may never be exposed to those debates .
27 This point was expressed by Lord Herschell in Vagliano as follows : I am of course far from asserting that resort may never be had to the previous state of the law for the purpose of aiding in the construction of the provisions of the code .
28 THE husband of a woman murdered as she sunbathed on a South African beach spoke of his fears last night that her killer may never be brought to justice .
29 In practice , the issues may never be put to the test because it is very likely that other parties would succeed in preventing referenda , but it is still enough of a departure for some evangelical DUP activists to have been initially opposed to the change .
30 A signifier can never be fixed to a particular concept .
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